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  1. wristychronicles

    Heat Stress or Root Bound?

    the older growth shows signs of overwatering, my guess is they don't have enough o2 in the root zone, or air movement in the tent to help evaporate the excess water. the poor root structure can't drink fast enough. I believe a good transplant will help ya man.
  2. wristychronicles

    Clone to clone to clone

    there is a spot in Seattle that will grow out seeds and call them clones, its infuriating how dense some people can be. "exclusive cut of GDP? no problem heres the seed..." lol
  3. wristychronicles

    How to raise ppm without dropping ph

    potassium hydroxide in powder form is on my shelf
  4. wristychronicles

    Gibberellic Acid(growth hormone) .. effects on marijuana?

    there is a time and place for almost anything, using the wrong hormones at the wrong time in the growth cycle can be more damaging then helpful. readreadreadread
  5. wristychronicles

    12th week of flowering (pictures)

    warm spectrum, Kelvin, when you go to buy the bulb you can see its spectrum on a red to blue scale. blue being veg/day light .hope this helps/
  6. wristychronicles

    12th week of flowering (pictures)

    yeah those lights have slowed the process down a bit it seems, you can try adding more red spectrum, but what I would do is ride this one out, cut them when they are ready and restart with a better light next round. nice work!
  7. wristychronicles

    do roots in water need a airstone constantly?

    also being able to give the plant those high levels of oxygen is one of the main benefits of growing hydroponics versus conventional methods.
  8. wristychronicles

    *** Commercial Grower Nutrient Solution EXPOSED!!!! ***

    commercial fertilizer is the only way to go, mix the powders yourself. like most things worth your trouble it takes some tinkering but you'll learn the basics, without the snake oil.
  9. wristychronicles

    Improve My Scrog (pics)

    keep practicing, once you master the screen, you master the canopy. I think you flipped a little late, if you flowered a week earlier, smaller dense buds supported by the screen would have occurred. that being said you can use a trellis netting and do a double screen so to speak to support...
  10. wristychronicles

    Best Nutrient Line???

    mono potassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, kelp, potassium hydroxide,
  11. wristychronicles


    It took me forever to do it. But my username is ( mikehydro ) stop by pal :)
  12. wristychronicles


    Do any of you use instagram? I do some consulting and last night was convinced i should be posting on that stupid trendy site. For what its worth i put up a few pretty pictures and will continue to do so until it becomes too old. Come check it out if your bored? Mikehydro have a...
  13. wristychronicles

    lemon trainwreck harvest

    Screen of green
  14. wristychronicles

    Harvesting half a plot 2 hours from now! Bud rot question! Help!

    Rapid dry, and hash it. Everything that's not moldy that is, don't fuck around with mold.
  15. wristychronicles

    Botrytis on blackberries surrounding plants

    Sulfur, or serenade.
  16. wristychronicles

    i found this

    Bust out the bt dudes, from cabbage worms to budworms, all natural.
  17. wristychronicles

    First grow in 20 years

    It'd be cool to wake it back up again in another 20 years. Like a comets crossing...
  18. wristychronicles

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    When you said yeild looks high, did you mean good pollen crop? Jk sorry bud, better cull that horny little bastard before if spreads love over the others.
  19. wristychronicles

    Eff you bud worms

    Yes that pretty solid advice, on the bacillus subtilis, however for budworms look in bacillus thurgensis sp. A worm specific great