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  1. District


    Still have thrips. Used mighty wash and an organic pesticide. In total 6 hrs of spraying. Does anyone know if thrips develop resistant to neem oil?
  2. District


    What does OP mean? Never heard it before. Is it original poster? PS there definitely was a 90% reductions about 40% of the plants had no thrips at all. But I cant just chill when ive seen even a couple.
  3. District

    Custom Flood Tray Lids (How to make the holes)

    Todd Is a strange one kills kids and smiles. But your parents would like him.
  4. District


    Ok alot of whoa forbidding going on. Its actually thrips but ive ordered some neem repel. The might wash didnt get rid of them all so I had another go with the sb plant invigorator pesticide. Took another 3 hours. My lower back cant take much more of this.
  5. District

    Custom Flood Tray Lids (How to make the holes)

    What I hate most about these types of drama is when they get their money jacked. Always cuts me up inside.
  6. District


    Thanks dudes. Still a pain in the butt. I used mighty wash yesterday. Seen a few small flying ones. Will go again in a few days.
  7. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    Well Ive actually got a thrip issue. Used hydrogen peroxide but that seemed to stress them more than the thrips. Binned the mother whichvwssvin soil in the same room :dunce: and used mighty wash last night/this morning. Took 3+ hours, to early to tell if its working.
  8. District

    Custom Flood Tray Lids (How to make the holes)

    Im just watching the final season of Breaking Bad.
  9. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    Oxygen to the roots is a benefit in hydro which is why I went for hydroton. Hydroton allows more flooding so more fresh oxyhen to the roots. More oxygen to me equals better growth but this is also my first run. I mentioned that I had the same problem a shallow flood level which is why I filled...
  10. District


    Wow people thanks for your replies. Turns out its thrips. I bought some Mighty wash and something else I didn't check the name of. The hydrogen peroxide didn't leave that plants looking their best though they're very much alive. Ill give then 24 hours respite I figure they've earned that then...
  11. District


    Going ladybug hunting tomorrow
  12. District


    Ok I know this isnt typically a hydro problem but my grow is hydro. I didnt even know what a spidermite looked like till today. Im doing a SCROG and whilst feeding a shoot through the net I noticed a small yellowy looking thing on the leaf. Upon closer inspection they are on all the plants...
  13. District

    First Hydro Setup, having some unknown issues.

    What nutes are you using? If your using GH nutes your using alot of Micro to turn your water brown.
  14. District

    liquid pool chlorine

    Not sure but dont hydro growers try to remove chlorine from their water? Whats wrong with H202?
  15. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    To be honest some balls do float. But not many. The drains haven't blocked yet none of the peices are small enough. Also yes I do flood to hydroton level. Its early days with filling the trays but no negative affects yet. I decided to just surround the base of the pots rather than transplant...
  16. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    I just cut a protein shaker in half and placed it around the flood and drain fittings just loose enough at the bottom to allow water to flow job done. Anyway heres my first and current set up.Because the pots are only partially filled adding hydroton to the tray gives u more root space.
  17. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    So basically filling the tray with hydroton is the same as using a lid. You can use pots. If I could start a fresh I would just fill the tray, way more space for roots.
  18. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    Yep. Hydroton will block the light and give the roots plenty of oxygen. Its what I did to allow the roots in my system to grow out from the pots they're in. Make sure to rinse thoroughly.
  19. District

    3x3 Ebb & Flow System ( a few general questions )

    Sorry I thought u meant lid for your rez.