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  1. smokinguns

    2x400 watt ak 48, ice & haze grow

    One of my Ice plants 25 days into 12-12. Got what looks like 6 main colas and from what I can tell so far, at least 4 of them will be super large just like Mommy.
  2. smokinguns

    Ice plant 25 days into flower & 6 main colas

    One of my better Ice plants topped 2 weeks or so into veg so I got 6 nice main colas going. Rep to Uncle Ben. She will be my moma for sure. It's 25 days into 12-12 under a 400 hps. The last pic is of my crazy Haze Sativia. What do you all think...
  3. smokinguns

    Are more people growing than ever?

    Great replys everyone. Great quote about the fish concerning lessons in last a lifetime.
  4. smokinguns

    Are more people growing than ever?

    Iv'e have only been a riu member for 10 months now but it that short time, it seems I have noticed an increase in new pep's into growing. Just wondering if anyone else had noticed and what you think the increase was do to. More people smoking? Or perhaps the current economic situation. Your...
  5. smokinguns

    Sex to early

    Damn. Got to get some of that shit. Are the seeds from nirvanna?
  6. smokinguns

    WHITE RHINO - 9 weeks of VEG! GUNA BE MONSTERS!!! check them

    Very nice indeed. Those fan leaves are huge
  7. smokinguns

    Correct way to transplant into bigger planters

    Just make sure the grow medium in the new pot is moist then give it a few days to go back on your regular feeding schedule. Try not to disturb the root ball.
  8. smokinguns


    Fuck I messed up. But it will grow. back. shit, sometimes I get 5 or six colas.
  9. smokinguns

    new to using ppm meter

    Since Iv'e been using an ec meter I never burn my plants. Most feeding charts will tell you specificallywhat your ec should be at each week of growth.
  10. smokinguns

    What do you eat stoned? My friend ate dog food

    So we are baked on some premo weed plus bread with canna butter and chocolate cake also made with canna butter. Came back from going out and I set a big cup of dog food on the counter, go get my shoes to go outside to feed my dogs and I look up and my buddy is munching away. I about fell out. My...
  11. smokinguns

    2000W Grow!!! PICS!

    Those will be monsters for sure. Scribed! & rep
  12. smokinguns

    2x400 watt ak 48, ice & haze grow

    Uploded photo.
  13. smokinguns

    2x400 watt ak 48, ice & haze grow

    Seperated the plants so I could get a shot of the Haze bitch at 4 weeks fowering. She will go 11-13. Almost forgot..............10 out of 10 of my Durbin seeds popped. Going to be a great 2010.
  14. smokinguns

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Damn nice buds there oilfan.
  15. smokinguns

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Haze plant at 4 weeks into flower under a 400. Check the 2x400 grow journal.
  16. smokinguns

    My Finished Durban Poison Product

    I had 10 of 10 durban seeds pop. I am pumped. I also have Big bud and white widow coming up now. Here is my current grow under 2x400's. I can't wait to get that Durbin growing strong so I can have some bitches growing outside this summer. I want to have some monsters this summer. Stay tuned...
  17. smokinguns

    Should I put a fence over my plants? See pics

    Thanks for the replys, friends. I'm trying to maximise my production in that 4x4 space. Here is the journal.
  18. smokinguns

    Neighbor Snagged Plant- Need Advice

    Damn man that sucks. I say if you know the guy and are on good terms with him I would ask if knows anthing about it. Tell you will hook him up if he's cool. If he is a dick, then forget about it.
  19. smokinguns

    storing pot in cigar humidor?

    I hade an empty acid cigar box that still has the spice leaves they must use while they are curing. So I rolled a few joints, put them in the cigar box and basically forgot about them for awhile. We did smoke them and it was the best tasting shit ever. Acid Cigars by Drew Estates.
  20. smokinguns

    2x400 watt ak 48, ice & haze grow

    Got some major stretching on a few of the plants and its' funny because 2 of the Ice have almost caught up the the Haze. Trying to move my plants around a bit closer to the light to keep them from stretching. Can't wait to upgrage to the 1000 HPS next grow. The next grow: Got the seeds...