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  1. Chris Edward

    CBD vaping newb

    The ideal temperature for CBD is 329F (165C). The range for CBD is 320-356F (160-180C)
  2. Chris Edward

    Vape Cartridges with long lasting wicks

    @BestNameEver, No, that is not all I got out of your reply. I suppose I should have been MORE specific that I was asking about RTA's and not All-in-ones... Seeing as how all I mentioned in the post was RTA's... I thank you for your suggestion though. I prefer tank atomizers, I like how they...
  3. Chris Edward

    Do you need to dry buds if you are extracting oil?

    @travisw, Thanks, I am going to try this out.
  4. Chris Edward

    Do you need to dry buds if you are extracting oil?

    @travisw, Thank you for all the help...
  5. Chris Edward

    Do you need to dry buds if you are extracting oil?

    @travisw, by less stable you mean it has a shorter shelf life?
  6. Chris Edward

    Do you need to dry buds if you are extracting oil?

    Hello All, I am curious, if I am going to make oil, do I need to dry the buds first? Could I just extract the oil and then let the oil sit and cure? Or is it necessary to let the buds dry, cure and then extract the oil? Again, just curious because omitting the drying process could save a week...
  7. Chris Edward

    How to stop buds from popcorning in the heat

    Hello tyke 1973, It must be the heat, it's not even officially summer yet and we're getting 100+ degree days and the room gets to be 85-90 degrees. The light is pretty intense, I have done the math for the area and the light more than takes care of the area. It's only a few plants so getting...
  8. Chris Edward

    How to stop buds from popcorning in the heat

    Hello psblunt, An A/C isn't really an option because it would have to run 24/7, once summer hits here it's hot all the time... So I am just going to plant to grow at a cooler time of year.
  9. Chris Edward

    How to stop buds from popcorning in the heat

    Thank you Wilksey, I suppose the best plan would be for me to plan my grow for when it's not as hot out... It just seems that no matter what I do, the grow always gets delayed and the flowering always takes place in summer. So this time I am going to start a grow at the end of summer with the...
  10. Chris Edward

    Vape Cartridges with long lasting wicks

    @kathyjames, Honestly, the jury is till out on this one. But there have been studies done by cigarette companies and independent labs and they have shown over and over how vaping is cleaner than smoking cigarettes, I would assume the results with cannabis are similar. Here's a video that shows...
  11. Chris Edward

    Vape Cartridges with long lasting wicks

    @BestNameEver, Thanks for the input, but to be honest, I could care less how new or ancient the vape gear, I only care whether it works.
  12. Chris Edward

    How to stop buds from popcorning in the heat

    @70's natureboy, Thanks' That's what I was afraid of... I will try planning the next grow so even with some wiggle room, the flowering period starts earlier so I am not harvesting in summer or winter.
  13. Chris Edward

    How to stop buds from popcorning in the heat

    Hello all, It seems every time I do a grow the flower period always happens either right around the beginning of summer or right in the middle of summer and where I live it gets hot very early in the year. For instance the past few weeks it has been in the high 90s and this last week it has...
  14. Chris Edward

    White Tips on CBD rich Strain, is this normal?

    No, but I have seen what you are talking about, the cottony fluffs that form when the lights are too close...
  15. Chris Edward

    Questions about accidental revegging?

    I have had plants take as long as a month, but it depends how long into flower they were.
  16. Chris Edward

    RockWol Cubes

    Rockwool and seeds are not a good match. Once they are sprouted and then put in rockwool, they take off like crazy... You are better off starting the seeds in coco coir or soil. As far as the cups, I use black solo cups for my clones and I paint the lids with color coding so I know what's...
  17. Chris Edward

    Questions about accidental revegging?

    Like what Hotrodharley said, the leaves will do some weird things, but they will rebound, it just takes a little time. The harvest may not be as good on re-vegged plants as well, some are ok with it, but the ones I have done it to usually have noticeably less trichomes. If you grow the re-vegged...
  18. Chris Edward

    White Tips on CBD rich Strain, is this normal?

    Hello all, I am growing a CBD rich strain (Therapy by CBD crew) and the last two times I have grown this strain I have noticed a lot of white tips, some look like strands of over grown trichomes and others look like the top of the bud has snow on it. The plants are being grown under LEDs and I...
  19. Chris Edward

    Re: plant problems

    It's the plant signalling you that it is "going to sleep" Check in on them starting around the 16 hour mark and keep checking in on them every 15-20 minutes until you see them droop. Another way to do this would be to set up a camera on time-lapse and then review the video later to see when the...