Search results

  1. Chris Edward

    Bought an EC pen. Is this reading in ppm?

    @jimoffy, You meter is showing it's results in Microsiemans per centimeter or µS/cm. For simplicity, use the NaCl conversion factor which is a smarty pants way of saying, take the number shown on your meter and divide by 2 and this is PPM's So you're tap water PPM is 112. It's a little high, but...
  2. Chris Edward

    Three types of hydro in a small tent on one airpump?

    I have toyed around with the idea of using Peltier junctions on a cooling block in-line with my modular Dutch bucket systems. But I am not sure what to use as the cooling block material... Plastic isn't the best thermal conductor and metal will corrode and could mess with the plants, so until I...
  3. Chris Edward

    How bad is low Humidity?...

    @Ghost of Davy Jones, Where I live, we have like 15-30% humidity all year and the plants suffer a little, but I have found that if I use silica it takes care of most of the issues. Then again I am not growing for profit, only personal use so my expectations on grow yield seem to be considerably...
  4. Chris Edward

    Cloning Without Rooting Hormone?

    @W33D, If you cut a few willow branches into shorter pieces and then put them in water and let them sit for a week or so they will release their salicylic acid and this is what works as the rooting hormone. You could also go to a florist and buy a willow branch and then ask them if you can have...
  5. Chris Edward

    Apartment building has no smoking rule, how can I get around it

    Yeah burning incense is probably juvenile, but so is having to smoke in your bathroom with a towel under the door and a window open... This is why I suggested using a fruity or vanilla scent. If you use patchouli or some heavy musky scent like that (sandalwood, nag champa, etc...), you might as...
  6. Chris Edward

    Apartment building has no smoking rule, how can I get around it

    @joerezz7, I have two solutions for you. 01. Being a Medical Marijuana Patient (if you aren't already) may make this part of the lease not apply to you, but you would have to ask a lawyer about that. 02. THC inhaler I think there is only one company that makes them, Vapen Clear, and I have...
  7. Chris Edward

    Making C-Juice

    Update…. After doing some research I have discovered I am wrong about what I thought the Wax Liquidizer formula is made of… The company says they use a mixture of PG, Peg 200, and Peg 400… This would explain how thin it is… So the formula breakdown I think they are using is something like...
  8. Chris Edward

    Any good CBD mail order web sites with good prices and quality prods?

    @Colo MMJ, How are they going to use it? Tincture? Smoke? Topical?
  9. Chris Edward

    Inline fan silencers... what brand is the best?

    I know I am bit late to the party but… If you’re looking for something that is functional but may not be the prettiest girl at the dance… You can make a simple muffler out of some hardware cloth and acoustic foam. The one I use brings my fan noise from slightly noticeable outside to where you...
  10. Chris Edward

    Skywalker Recommendations

    Hello all, I am wondering if y'all can help me with some advice. I really like the Skywalker strain, but the seeds are terribly difficult to get. Does anyone know where to get them? There's lots of websites that have it listed but they are also out of stock at the moment and have been for...
  11. Chris Edward

    Is there such a thing as cheep seeds?

    Hold on, where in the world is any strain like $50-60 for a half ounce? Where is this magical land? Do unicorns migrate here as well? Where I live $60 will get you at most an 1/4 and that's for either questionably grown stuff or top shelf shake... I am just busting your balls but still, that's...
  12. Chris Edward

    Mail in testing

    @Lion-O, Keep us posted on how it works for you. I am interested to know whether the tcheck device is worth anything without the subscription to the "breakdown" service. Because the way the website reads, you sort of need it to know what's actually going on...
  13. Chris Edward

    Making C-Juice

    Hello all, I have been tinkering with the idea of making my own C-juice. I am not sure what else to call this, but it’s basically the cannabis version of E-juice. I have thought about using E-juice mixes, without the nicotine, but I am hesitant on ordering because I am not a nicotine smoker...
  14. Chris Edward

    Best brand of 510 thread vape pen battery?

    I second the Vision Spinner 2. It's neat to be able to adjust the voltage and dial in your hits. But be careful, there are a lot of knock offs out there, so make sure it's the real thing. I got a version of the Vision Spinner from Gentleman's Vapes, it's ok, but the mAh capacity is about as low...
  15. Chris Edward

    Seizure patient needs help

    @215patient707, Wow, that sounds amazing... What strain did they grow? I totally grow mine wrong, but it works for me... I don't need a lot... I top the plants at the nodes, which makes one budding site now two, you can do this a few times before they get to be too tall in veg and must be put...
  16. Chris Edward

    Vape Cartridges with long lasting wicks

    Hello All, I recently purchased a few of the Kanger Protank3 mini and Kanger T3'D tanks and they are great but the coils go out in them so quickly. Previously I was re-filling the cartridges from old pre-fills from the dispensary and those worked for months until the coil began to go on them...
  17. Chris Edward

    Seizure patient needs help

    @215patient707 Is that a ruderalis hemp or a sativa hemp? Sativa hemp as far as I know grows pretty tall, like well over 5 feet, upwards to like 8+feet. Watch the video "Hemp for Victory" (it's on YouTube) to see what I am talking about. Ruderalis on the other hand will only grow a few feet but...
  18. Chris Edward

    What's your nute ratio?

    I couldn't agree more.... If/when something goes wrong, I can usually figure it out PDQ.... Plus depending on what mix you use, dry mixes are so much cheaper and you get the same results.
  19. Chris Edward

    What's your nute ratio?

    But you know what the PPMs are. If you use the same stuff over and over again, you only have to test a few times anyway. It just seems like knowing the PPM or EC would help if you ever decide to switch to another fertilizer, this way you can compare PPM numbers with the results. Not that those...
  20. Chris Edward

    What's your nute ratio?

    I agree the meters are just guides. I definitely believe soneone should never gauge their PPM or EC off of someone else's meter, even if it's the same brand, just use it as a guideline etc... The meter gets me in range and then I let the plants tell me what they like. I suppose my gripe is with...