Search results

  1. Chris Edward

    Vaped tiny bit, felt paranoid and nauseas

    @Lion-O, you are like me a few hits and I fine, anymore and it the experience goes from chill to scary. It could be a couple things, first you used two different vaporizers... Second, you hit the ww like it was dynamed. Try one or a half hit with the ww on the desktop vaporizer and see how...
  2. Chris Edward

    What's your nute ratio?

    Does anyone use EC or PPM or is it just literally a teaspoon of this overpriced liquid to a tablespoon of that overpriced liquid? Just curious... Not trying to start a fight...
  3. Chris Edward

    Mail in testing

    Hello Lion-O, The tcheck looks like a scam. Once you have shelled out $230 for the spectrometer, you then have to pay $140 a year to use the "breakdown" service so you know exactly what's in what you're testing. For $700, you can get the My Dx Analyzer and you won't have to keep paying into a...
  4. Chris Edward

    Cannabis vapes

    Hello John Chi, The first thing, vapes have almost no smell, even when flavored, unlike a joint or bowl which can smell your whole house up in no time flat. The high is more controllable and when taken in smaller doses it doesn't last exceptionally long. Too much THC at once freaks me out, so...
  5. Chris Edward

    Seizure patient needs help

    @Doctor Frank, I find that 50:50 CBD:THC strains just muddle my mind. They cloud my mind and leave me feeling stupid... Alternatively, if I smoke a little CBD (AC/DC or Therapy) and then some THC (like Skywalker), then it's a completely different experience, one of tranquil peace of mind, which...
  6. Chris Edward

    Seizure patient needs help

    Hello 215patient707 I am like you, I also have seizures and I use CBD to help curb them. I will be honest it doesn’t stop my seizures but it sure does make them less intense. Off CBD my seizures used to mess me up for the better part of a week (and that’s just the physical effects), with biting...
  7. Chris Edward

    Newbie in Southern CA. need to find best topical for Knee

    Check out Jumbonot on YouTube. He's a Mojave guy who makes a lot of topicals (sprays) from whole plants he grows in the desert. You'd have to watch some of his vids to see what strains he uses. I hope this helps.
  8. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    I have woodworking experience, it's not that difficult to make a box, in this case two lids and a frame and then counter sink some holes for magnets. Not much value added there. Yes, I think I will make my own. I was just curious if anyone had any ideas of other boxes, or possibly metal...
  9. Chris Edward

    Thinking of moving to cali?

    What areas did you have in mind, maybe I can offer some insight...
  10. Chris Edward

    Thinking of moving to cali?

    Sadly the only "affordable" areas in California have terrible weather, nothing like Michigan though. The only surprise is if you buy your meds, nobody can seem to get the taxes right (medical patients are sometimes charged recreational patient taxes, etc...) and I think part of this is done on...
  11. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    Thank you to everyone who has offered ideas, I am just a cheapskate, looking for a cheap simple answer. I can't see spending $40 on a cheaply made sifting box that only costs like $5 in materials. The sad thing is, the magnets probably cost as much as the rest of the materials...
  12. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    @Tom Tucker 313, the Cali-crusher just looks like a basic herb grinder. The sections between the kief sifter and the grinder look to be threaded but the lid looks to be slip fit, so I couldn't just remove the grinder portion and use it without it. Plus $75 for an aluminum grinder...that's a bit...
  13. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    @projectinfo Thank you for the lead, but they carry stuff for yields much larger than I am looking at. I am just looking for something for personal use, not for production. Thank you anyway though.
  14. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    @theslipperbandit Kind of along those lines. I think I have found what I am looking for, a pollen box that you shake over a fine mesh and the kief falls through. Something like these.
  15. Chris Edward

    Kief Grinder?

    Hello all, I am looking for a kief grinder, not a herb grinder that has a kief catcher, but a small palm sized grinder that is made to make kief. Everything I have seen (tumblers, sifters, etc...) are for huge amounts, I only need to make small amounts. Does a company make anything like this...
  16. Chris Edward

    Grow Tent Used to Section off a Grow Room

    Thank you for that advice!!! I will have to do that!
  17. Chris Edward

    Grow Tent Used to Section off a Grow Room

    Thank you!!! I appreciate all the help I can get.
  18. Chris Edward

    Lighting Question

    I am a poor grower too... I got a decent yield from a DIY COB set up (enough for me and that's all I want) that cost me less than $300 and I never had the light set past 170 watts (of a possible 250 watts), so there is room to expand. All in all, I am less invested in gear than what came out of...
  19. Chris Edward

    Light cycles

    I have heard the lighting cycle depends on the strain. One thing I heard (I believe from GrowMau5) that made sense is to set up a time lapse camera facing your plants, with the lights on for 24 hours during the test. Then later go back and scrub through the video and watch for the point when...
  20. Chris Edward

    Lighting Question

    I think this is just for the socket, not a grow light.... Don't use Halogen, most of the power it uses goes to heat and they get super hot. If you are looking to keep the price tag low, look toward making your own light. Look up GroMau5 on Youtube, he shows (or used to show) how to make your...