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  1. Shelby420

    Garden Shots :)

    Awesome Garden... Love the Bonsai!!!
  2. Shelby420

    Outdoor grow | Flowering status

    Very nice garden. Great work...
  3. Shelby420

    Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

    Glad to have you in Cali, I grew up just down the hill from Sonora in the valley, about 45 min away. Great place to grow. Hows the ridge fire affecting your crop?
  4. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Damn nice work! I was thinking of trying to sew it with a piece of fabric to help reinforce it for next year.
  5. Shelby420

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    If you have Harbor Freight close by go their and pick up a cheap 39$ sump pump and attach a hose to it. The get 3 cheap garbage cans. I use a single 50 gal can with the pump setup but I'm not watering 16 plants. Other wise if you can find a few 55gal food grade plastic barrels they are much...
  6. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Were did you find your netting so big?
  7. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    I found a couple tiny caterpillars today on my cheese. Had to cut a nug out due to one. I had just sprayed with Bt this morning as well. I also found these in my garden This ones name is Ethel and this two working on making a family i decided to name Ricky and Lucy.
  8. Shelby420

    Growing all year around

    At lower temps the plant slows it's growth way down.
  9. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Latest updates. I got up on my roof for a few of the shots. I gotta say that I LOVE the smell of the cheese, Damn it has such a sweet fruity smell.
  10. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

  11. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    I had 3 lower back surgeries and have used bud to get off all the narcotics for the most part. it truly is a wonder drug. Glad it's working for her pain.
  12. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    AzaMax. Works great at killing them and wont mess with the bud flavor. Not the cheapest stuff around by far but well worth the expense.
  13. Shelby420


    Nice job for your first grow. Just be patient.
  14. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    She used to smoke, but got really loaded and drunk one night years ago, spent the night with head in toilette and hasn't smoked it since. lol, She blamed the weed not the alcohol. I cant blame her though, It was some of the best smoke I have ever had.
  15. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Damn Nice! I wish my wife would let me convert the entire yard to growing, but she's not a smoker and doesn't want it seen.
  16. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    I did just a few days ago. Heres the link. Post #3445
  17. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Last year my Purple mamba gave 3.5lbs but was 12ft tall and about 10ft across. This year my cheese, amnesia are little over 8ft. high and 6x8 ft wide. Would be wider but thats all the room between the house and the fence. Skunks little over 6ft tall and about 5ft wide. Rest are in pots about...
  18. Shelby420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    I hear that! I spend at least a hour a day in my garden with 6 plants. I'm dreading harvest time while at the same time so excited I can't wait. Last year I got about 5 lbs dry on 2 plants and by the time I was done trimming I had a month long kink in my neck. But it was so worth it. I'm hoping...
  19. Shelby420

    Droopy Outdoor in soil plant

    Ok, First off thanks everyone for your input. I did nothing yet to try and correct this dropping, but this morning when I came out she looked beautiful. No drooping at all. Go figure. I'll just have to keep and eye on her I guess. Might be one of this things that I'll never figure out.
  20. Shelby420

    Droopy Outdoor in soil plant

    She gets 5 gallons a week, I checked her this morning and her soil is still a little most so I know more water is not the solution.