Dr.pecker mold restintant strains are ones that useally test high in L-crethine oil....citrox strain is the most restiant to all forms of mold n pm/powder mildew
Have u had problems with misters clogging or power outage.still id recommend aeromisting systems for experienced only...great system however. Has its faults
I disagree with the smaller is better statment...bigger cut may take longer to root by a day or 2 but u have a bigger clone with more genetic tissue from mother to carry pheno..also shorter veg times if ur plants already a foot tall an rooted..
Genetics and provider sourcing super important...fem seeds are a myth u can have good genetics but if i throw down 100 "fem" seeds idc who or where they came from a few maled or hemie will propgate its nature yo
Ok ive done alot of cloning of many differnt species of plants including cannibis. How do you clone? Pictures n methodology behind what ur doing...personally i have great success with dwc..but im curious