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  1. dabbindylan

    water only

    Dr.pecker mold restintant strains are ones that useally test high in L-crethine oil....citrox strain is the most restiant to all forms of mold n pm/powder mildew
  2. dabbindylan

    My First Determined Grow with CFL

    Indeed...seems uninvested....i have no tips for undedicated grower regardless of age
  3. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Or u should trash it an start over cause a 4 week clone should be 3 ft tall n bushy
  4. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Either way it needs to go back in veg asap
  5. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Try 24 hours of light it will revert or turn hermie
  6. dabbindylan

    have u used coral led light bars. Just saw at fish store

    have u used coral led light bars. Just saw at fish store
  7. dabbindylan

    Clones with purple gray discoloration

    Does it smell weird when u open domes?? Having so many cuts on clone is open door for disease an mold
  8. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Have u had problems with misters clogging or power outage.still id recommend aeromisting systems for experienced only...great system however. Has its faults
  9. dabbindylan

    Clones with purple gray discoloration

    Try not cutting up ur clone so much. Get new domes..try again
  10. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Irrelevant to what i turbo cloner system shooting\misting water or does it sit in water
  11. dabbindylan

    Clones with purple gray discoloration

    looks like moisture stress or blight\mold
  12. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Is that a aero misting system or dwc?
  13. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    I disagree with the smaller is better statment...bigger cut may take longer to root by a day or 2 but u have a bigger clone with more genetic tissue from mother to carry pheno..also shorter veg times if ur plants already a foot tall an rooted..
  14. dabbindylan

    any thoughts of what's wrong ?

    Try to keep it under 80 boss
  15. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Day 6 same method... Strain blue lavender...any one else??
  16. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    success long does it well do genetics carry over. Weird mutant clones...let see em.ill show u mine if i can see yours lol
  17. dabbindylan

    Male or Female? Help appreciated.

    Genetics and provider sourcing super important...fem seeds are a myth u can have good genetics but if i throw down 100 "fem" seeds idc who or where they came from a few maled or hemie will propgate its nature yo
  18. dabbindylan

    any thoughts of what's wrong ?

    Yooo is it hot in there looks like heat or light intensity stress
  19. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Ok ive done alot of cloning of many differnt species of plants including cannibis. How do you clone? Pictures n methodology behind what ur doing...personally i have great success with dwc..but im curious
  20. dabbindylan

    NPK changes from Calmag

    Pre mix bone meal u wont get cal defi