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  1. dabbindylan

    Stealth proof deck

    Bamboo rolls? Thin plyboard? Paint cardboard n staple?
  2. dabbindylan

    any thoughts of what's wrong ?

    Stick to no nutes...keep them moist..keep ph balanced an the same number..if u fail try again
  3. dabbindylan

    T5 flower tent peps

    Combo of t5 ho 6500'3500'6500'3500 etc..led as side lighting
  4. dabbindylan

    T5 flower tent peps

    I use a combo of t5 n mars led...using less then 900 watts i yield about 1400 - 1600g in about 4 months or less varying on strain an if im doing sog or super croping quicker but less weight if i take hydro\aero routes
  5. dabbindylan

    T5 flower tent peps

    Tiny oscilating fan will keep temps in check and provide rigid stem devolpement
  6. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Earth...where cannibis grows as fast as bamboo...ive had a hydro set up where plants grow a foot a week
  7. dabbindylan

    Clone help

    Mix a supersoil..happy frog
  8. dabbindylan

    water only

    Its a oil that i think is in oranges n grapefruit.
  9. dabbindylan

    Clone help

    Just water with ph balance... No nutes
  10. dabbindylan

    Root Aphid free? Stunted ,mid flower

    Happens in cold climates man...keep it off ground if its causeing problems
  11. dabbindylan

    White hairs

    More light indeed..
  12. dabbindylan

    White hairs

    White hairs are good but it looks larfy...try adding cal mag
  13. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Lol idc what any of you think inless its involving croping takes longer an u can produce more product quicker by doing other techniques..u grow to your needs. Keep the name calling to yourself.
  14. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    25 actually an the day i turned 21 i was in a mmj facility...before that ive been growing since i was crop away yo
  15. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Ive worked with mmj professionaly for some so my feeling towards plants are jaded
  16. dabbindylan

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    Thats your opinion an i stated mine..i dont care what he does. Or what u do. Simply stated what i would do