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  1. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    I just throw my ingredients in a bucket outside in the heat let it bubble for a few days and its ready to use... i grow my ingredients so getting all is easy but procurement of most this stuff easy to Edit. If u dont have bubbler just mix by hand every few hours
  2. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    Somone was telling me bugs are good for fungus growth n rhizosphere devolepment but thats woohaa bugs are bad except bugs that kill bugs or earthworms id try to stay bug free
  3. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    Azamax is more then suggest adding in rosemary sesame seed lemon grass oil diluted with water....paired with ditam earth or green dirt or gnat knix...should be bug free always
  4. dabbindylan

    Best mh/hps bulbs on the market ?

    Led is better by far then any hps/mh system.
  5. dabbindylan

    Best mh/hps bulbs on the market ?

  6. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    Treat ur soil with azamax or lemon grass oil
  7. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    I think if u dont have a good size girl ull burn her
  8. dabbindylan

    My Organic Super Soil

    Sounds good..i assume plants will be pre grown before hiting that mix?
  9. dabbindylan

    opinions on air pruning pot

    Its just more work..roots wont be able to fill bucket
  10. dabbindylan

    Pot size and shape influencing size and shape of plant?

    The more root spread the bigger n healthier plant will be
  11. dabbindylan

    My first attempt at indoor growing

    Its not done yet
  12. dabbindylan

    Rockwool water retention.

    Really i find im trying to always correct a problem in hydro..coco/perlite mixes are great alternatives if u cant produce from hydro
  13. dabbindylan

    Help please take a look tell me what I need to do

    If it doesnt change or gets worse dump rez n do just water
  14. dabbindylan

    Help please take a look tell me what I need to do

    Dump ur rez ph ur water with cal mag n a little bit of nitrogen n potash
  15. dabbindylan

    Filtered Light For Plant Growth

    Intrested in result comparative
  16. dabbindylan

    Fruity Smelling Bud

    Candy kush is best smelling strain
  17. dabbindylan

    Had an accident.

    Even a slow grower...if its not by its second pair by day 14 from time its sprouted ur not doing it right and i can help...
  18. dabbindylan

    Had an accident.

    If ur plants not 3 inchs or taller by week 2 with its second pair of leaves showing id toss it...inless its important to u
  19. dabbindylan

    Coco Coir

    T5 n led like coco growing fursure...u can get crazy results with limted root space. Ph is everything. Organics or fox mag is really important heard of bone meal mixing or calcium nitrate directly into coco...mycos/fungus/castingings VITAL
  20. dabbindylan

    Coco Coir

    Agreed watering every day is not a must...almost ridiculous sounding...keep ph in 5.8 to 6.4 range.or as close as mag is a must....flushing regularly is a must if u dont have good organics