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  1. B

    trayvan martin

    The media can't convict so your statement is misleading. FUCK YOU! by virtue of the fact that I don't call in to question your patriotism, I would guess I'm a MORE REAL AMERICAN THAN YOU. fox News watching idiot.
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    NY Times Explains Why Obama Sucks

    Your right he filled stadiums. I worked an event with him with 40,000 people. Same week your boy McCain didn't even fill a high school gym. Let's see, which GOP candidate has ever filled stadiums like Obama? don't forget there are 50k hispanics that turn 18 every year in Florida. Obama is...
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    Why The Conservitave Platform Isn't Even Wrong

    i agree it's short sighted to support these store with our patronage. however I see corperations as a group of people (a union) who's only objective is to absorb as much of their market as possible without regards to the cost. So we have a union of wealthy people fighting with unions of working...
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    Zimmerman bond revoked

    The evidence also shows that z was stalking m with out provocation. So it's basically who's left standing? that would make since as that would certainly drive handgun sales to new levels in the states that have that law. Which BTW wasn't written by a Florida law maker. It was another polished...
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    First time growing in 10 years, tell me what you think of my setup

    If the smart pots will fit into the new pots just put the whole thing in and add hydroton around the smart pot. the roots will grow righ through the fabric no problem. I would raise your water level to make sure the pots are getting wet. It will only take a day or two for the roots to drop.
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    Zimmerman bond revoked

    the only problem with your story is there's assumed guilt and that the person you were stalking with a gun has no right to defend themselves against YOU. Also, that your life has more value by virtue of your weapon. So it's a start a fight and if I'm getting my ass kicked I can shoot them law...
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    Temp & Humidity

    too hot. you can grow in the heat but it effects the density of the bud which kills your yield. Light airy buds that crumble into dust. With 15 (59f) degree air outside, aircool your lamp and then do enough air exchange with the outside to keep yourself in the 25-28 (77-82.5f) degree range. shit...
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    Zimmerman bond revoked

    To some, being stalked by someone you don't know, for no reason, especially if they have an agressive posture would be grounds for one to defend themselves. So you are stolling down the street, some guy starts to follow you in a suspicious and aggressive manner, you duck behind a corner, he...
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    Zimmerman bond revoked

    Just curious why you don't afford Trayvon Martin the same presumption of innocence?
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    co2 regulators. $50 ebay?????

    They're all pretty much the same, made in china. service from the distributor if there's a problem is the only difference. I bought a digigro one for 79 bucks and it works great. Just bought parts for my car, disk rotors. do you want to 20, 30 or 40 dollar rotors. Only difference is he warranty...
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    First time growing in 10 years, tell me what you think of my setup

    Ron Popiel (Ronco) even made mention of that in an interview once. Something about a whole new market for his dehydrator he wasn't even aware of!
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    First time growing in 10 years, tell me what you think of my setup

    You've already been patient, let the consumption begin! Smoke the scrappy stuff first.
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    Why The Conservitave Platform Isn't Even Wrong

    I agree with you it does tickle down to the service industry. but it no longer trickles to a local tv or stereo shop, best buy and walmart own those markets. There are fewer and fewer small businesses. I've seen a small town of 16,000 go from a small local economy to everyone being on disability...
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    Why The Conservitave Platform Isn't Even Wrong

    Last I checked taxes were part of the cost of doing business. These fucking corporations have states giving up the farm for minimum wage jobs. Many times when business is discussed it is on a larger public scale, not a mom and pop. Yes, bain created jobs with staples, but I can name at least...
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    VOTE NOW 2012 obama vs the opposition(republican cannidates)

    Funny how the poll shows the republicans in blue....
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    VOTE NOW 2012 obama vs the opposition(republican cannidates)

    I don't watch videos, I'd love to here your opinion but simply inserting a video into the dialog, means what?
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    VOTE NOW 2012 obama vs the opposition(republican cannidates)

    I can remember all my fool friends telling me all of Clintons success were the results of Bush ones policies taking hold. "The US economy is like an ocean liner, you steer her years in advance" they used to say, and then of course Bush two blamed everything on Clinton for 8 years and drove our...
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    VOTE NOW 2012 obama vs the opposition(republican cannidates)

    I said the exact same thing when bush was elected! wow was I right. Now I'm hoping Obama get's a chance to straigten it out. Republican policies got us here.
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    What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?

    I can attribute pretty much every increase in yield I've managed to eek out to improved technique and environment. Most growers show marked improvment from crop to crop as a result of experience. I think this is what makes it so easy to sell snake oil in this business. I bet you'll see some...
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    Why The Conservitave Platform Isn't Even Wrong

    I agree, that's a big problem. I consider it less wise to give an already rich business subsidies than invest in a new technology. It's amazing how few know the difference between an investment and a handout. NASA was an investment that is still paying big dividends to the private sector, nice...