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  1. DubsFan

    sexing in spring?

    Mother nature has no clue we changed our clocks forward :) Yeah, you're gonna flower early. Mid May is the safest bet on outdoor.
  2. DubsFan

    risk of plant reverting from flowering back to veg phase??? help.

    Last year was my first grow. It was outdoors. I put a few outside early April. They all flowered early and finished fine. The key is to put them outside mid May. It's a very long season. Starting early is far worse than starting late. My best plants were ones I started in early July...
  3. DubsFan

    killer boobs

    Historically the Enquirer has been full of shit. Over the last few years they have broken several major stories and now are nominated for two pulitzers. Amazing...
  4. DubsFan

    Clones outdoors?

    Get a clip on CFL and a timer. When the sun goes down have your timer come on for a few more hours. Sounds ghetto but it may get you to May.
  5. DubsFan

    Clones outdoors?

    The plant doesn't need direct sunlight. It's best to have direct sunlight but really like 8 hours is enough. The plant knows when the sun goes down even if not in direct light. The only reason your plant will flower now is because it's early April and not mid May.
  6. DubsFan

    1st grow, goin hydro, purps, l.a. con, chemdog with some exp help.

    Is it me or does that look like caulifower?
  7. DubsFan

    are these sativas?

    She's a little yellow. What are you feeding her? Oh, indica dom for sure...not 90% but definately on the high side.
  8. DubsFan

    2000w Dj Short Grape Krush & White Berry Grow

    Swoop, update us with some pics. I was at Swoops today...the DJ's are retarded big. He's got a few weeks to go and some cola's are well over 3" thick.
  9. DubsFan

    Root Rot help please + rep!!

    1 response per 60 views is the norm. This is the world wide web...15 views is nothing. In talking with some guys I trust regarding brown roots due to Fungus Gnats, they said to remove that old rotting root system. I say get rid of them.
  10. DubsFan

    Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!

    Yeah, weave them for that first week, that keeps a low enough canopy. Then that last week of stretch let em go nuts.
  11. DubsFan

    I HAVE CLONED! but....

    Mature is relative. A two week old plant in Hydro can be over two feet tall...meanwhile a two foot tall plant in soil is more like 30 t0 40 days old. Both are the same size yet one is 2x or 3x as old. If you can take a cutting off a plant then to me it's ready to go. Many people with larger...
  12. DubsFan

    I HAVE CLONED! but....

    They root much faster.
  13. DubsFan

    Tips for flowering... anybody???

    Stress is bad. I would just do 12/12 all the way through. Some guys run 13 hours or 14 hours of light for the last 10 days two weeks. Keep in mind that in the outdoors it rarely hits 12/12. Plants will flower fine at 13 hours of light. Don't get too fancy and flush that girl good.
  14. DubsFan

    I HAVE CLONED! but....

    You will probably have to spend some time vegging them in order to produce 5 fingered fans and 7's. You could see some 3's and even single bladed fans.
  15. DubsFan

    A Damn pot fell on my plant and broke a limb can I save it?

    You could try cutting a nice 45 on the bottom and see if it will root :)
  16. DubsFan

    Small soil budget grow (feedback welcome) Pics!

    If you get males, put them outside and harvest the seeds for a future grow.
  17. DubsFan

    4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow

    Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna PM you so I don't shit on your thread.
  18. DubsFan

    amber pistils on bud only 5 weeks into flowering

    This is what I was thinking... You could have a true 60 day strain though. Those hairs darken as they mature. To have 90% red hairs at day 60 my guess is they should start changin color by week 5 or so. As far as a hermie...I've had this problem. They darken, then get week and pull out...
  19. DubsFan

    First Time Home Buyer

    Depending on where you live you can earn up to 10% cash on cash (cash flow after all expenses) if you buy an apartment building. The beauty of real estate is depreciation. Depreciation is a deduction that takes into account the physical life of the structure/building. If you buy a 600k...
  20. DubsFan


    I've been in commercial real estate for 15 years. A good 2 star mobile home park can be a fantastic investment. As a landlord it's a beautiful situation. You are leasing to them dirt. They provide the trailer or mobile home and the tenant has to pay for the maintenance of the units. No...