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  1. PCXV

    Mayweather vs. McGregor

    This is exactly what I'm talking about dude. You just keep proving my point.
  2. PCXV

    Philly AntiFa 'Cell' Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands "Gender Abolition", "Expropriate Land Fro

    Before we go any further, define socialism.
  3. PCXV

    Philly AntiFa 'Cell' Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands "Gender Abolition", "Expropriate Land Fro

    The right wing and the fascists and racists behind them have an agenda, and they have no problem using the government to enact it. Consider yourself foolish if you believe otherwise.
  4. PCXV

    Mayweather vs. McGregor

    Whomever beat your life down so bad that you became a fascist internet tough guy troll.
  5. PCXV

    Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

    Ah, misogyny and fascism all in one. Great job!
  6. PCXV

    Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

    Slow sock
  7. PCXV

    Philly AntiFa 'Cell' Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands "Gender Abolition", "Expropriate Land Fro

    Ah, so you're one of this liblols Demorats? ;)
  8. PCXV

    Philly AntiFa 'Cell' Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands "Gender Abolition", "Expropriate Land Fro

    Fastest self-contradiction on record. You've surpassed fdd2blk (good riddance) on the path to full retardation.
  9. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    If you hadn't noticed, the left here condemns actual Nazis like the ones in Charlottesville. Not "micro aggressions and cultural appropriations," but real fascists who's entire ideology aims to oppress/subjugate or exile fellow citizens based solely on racial identity, not individual identity...
  10. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Just giving others a tl;dr. "Ignorant douche yells at clouds" would have worked too.
  11. PCXV

    Mayweather vs. McGregor

    You have the douchey internet tough guy routine down!
  12. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    lol you ignorant dumbass racist.
  13. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    lol even you know that isn't true. You were defending Nazis, then you walked it back and asked yourself why you were defending them, now you are back to defending Nazis and mischaracterizing the opposition to try and discredit them.
  14. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    weedflunky was close whe he asked himself "why am I defending Nazis?" Go back there and try again.
  15. PCXV

    What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

    WHaT iN tHe HOLY FUCK Is ThAT?!?! lolololololololololololololol
  16. PCXV

    an inconveniant sequal: truth to power

    A much more fitting word. Consider it revised!
  17. PCXV

    an inconveniant sequal: truth to power

    You are quite boring. Reminds me of the brainwashed ex-con bible thumpers that ruined their own lives and now stand outside of bars to chastise "sinners" that are enjoying their lives so that they can feel superior. I almost feel bad for them but then I realize they are a cancer to society.