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  1. BigEasy1

    Smart pots 2 and 3 gallons good or bad

    I use 5 gallon smart pots and I like them.
  2. BigEasy1

    Seed germination problem

    I keep as much sun on them as possible and make sure it stays damp. I was germinating one recently and my dirt dried out to much. After 8 days I was about to throw it out but decided to put some water directly on where the seed was buried. Three days later it popped and everything is good...
  3. BigEasy1

    What is wrong with my leaves?

    Looks OK to me. Have patience, Grasshopper.
  4. BigEasy1

    Multi's Area 51 XGS-190 Blueberry Grow

    Looks real good! I'm thinking about getting one of those Area 51's myself. The output of the Area 51 light on the plant looks white? The other LED looks reddish/pinkish like my BlackStar Chrome. Is it white?
  5. BigEasy1

    Amsterdam seed bank

    Glad to hear your order worked out. I've been having great luck with my last 3 orders but I usually don't buy from the same place over and over. Last order I got was from Herbies and it was top notch, no complaints.
  6. BigEasy1

    Dutch Passion LED

    I just found a good link for the Dutch Passion LED. The light is made by Grow Northern and it uses 190 watts with a 3 year guarantee. There's also links available to actual grows using the light. Sounds pretty good to me for the money...
  7. BigEasy1

    Dutch Passion LED

    Nobody has actual hands on experience with the Dutch Passion LED? I've been thinking about getting another light and the Dutch Passion LED seems like a good deal but I want to make sure it works good before I plunk down my coin. Choice B for me is an Area 51 because I haven't heard a bad review...
  8. BigEasy1

    Fat cloudy trichomes but only 5-10% orange hairs?

    I'd say you have a few more weeks to go.
  9. BigEasy1

    Window Growing - No Budget

    I grew a nice plant in my south facing window last summer.
  10. BigEasy1

    are gorilla tents worth the money?

    I was doing research on grow tents and came across the Gorilla but holy crap they're expensive! In the end I settled on the Secret Jardin Dark Room. The Gorilla's looked nice but I couldn't justify the extra expense and didn't need the roof lowering capability so Secret Jardin it was.
  11. BigEasy1


    Spain is very nice but nothing in the world beats Amsterdam atmosphere on a warm Saturday evening. I like sitting at an outside sidewalk cafe/pub and watching the freak show stroll by.
  12. BigEasy1

    Northan lights auto

    Most auto's should use a 20/4 light schedule according to most of the breeders.
  13. BigEasy1

    How worth it are SmartPots?

    I use them exclusively and get decent yields.
  14. BigEasy1

    How to best mask smell

    Two plants probably won't smell as bad as you think.
  15. BigEasy1

    Places in the springs to buy seeds?

    Since possessing cannabis seeds isn't illegal in the UK why are you saying it's illegal or shady? Not everyone lives in America so what may be illegal for you isn't necessarily illegal for the rest of the entire world. Herbies and Attitude are both legitimate businesses in their country so quit...
  16. BigEasy1

    how much do you know

    I just had one take 12 days to pop but I put mine directly in dirt inside a rock wool cube.
  17. BigEasy1

    An Open letter to Police Scotland.

    Well now, I'm not sure what to make out of all that.
  18. BigEasy1

    New dinafem kush'n'cheese ?

    Very nice! I've always had great luck with DinaFem.
  19. BigEasy1

    Trimming Scissors

    I have three pair. One pair of Fiskars, one pair labeled Gro or something like that and they are black and green, and I have a pair of cuticle scissors. I like the black and green pair the best. I think I may have gotten them off eBay.
  20. BigEasy1

    60 Day Lemon Auto-flowering

    Yep, I'd go with 18/6 as the default light cycle on any auto. I start my seeds off in a rock wool cube in a small disposable black plastic planter. Once it gets a couple inches tall I transplant into either a 3 gallon or 5 gallon smart pot. Don't wait until your roots circle either on the first...