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  1. BigEasy1

    U.S. Job Growth Slows Sharply

    I'd comment but I'd be labeled a racist for simply disagreeing with any Obama administration policies.
  2. BigEasy1

    What seed to pop next, pictures included.

    I'd go with the LSD or Pineapple Chunk.
  3. BigEasy1

    which customs location from the tude?

    My guess would be San Fransisco.
  4. BigEasy1

    Is it possible to grow like a normal potted plant with no special care?

    Im confused on why people hate on them too. I'm a personal stash guy so I don't sell but that doesn't stop my friends from asking. My friends all have good jobs so they don't stay high all day every day but they don't buy shitty weed either. Not one has ever said "this is an auto, I'm outta...
  5. BigEasy1

    I need some input on a new setup

    I grew a sweet auto on my window seal last summer. Total investment: $15 for the seed, $5 in Plagron Grow Mix, maybe $10 in nutrients.
  6. BigEasy1

    Area 51

    I was thinking about getting a new LED from these guys but not so much now if you can't get ahold of them. Anybody have experience with the new Dutch Passion LED? I'm getting a new one, I just need to decide from where now. I'm not big on poor customer service. I kind of felt gipped on my...
  7. BigEasy1

    plants overcrowded

    I grew too many a few times and what happens to me every time is that all the plants suffer. I try to give mine plenty of room now because it's better to harvest one awesome plant than to harvest 3 shitty ones.
  8. BigEasy1

    Is it possible to grow like a normal potted plant with no special care?

    You can tell an auto from smoking it? If I put out four J's with three being photos and one being an auto but all containing 20% THC you could spot the auto? I find that hard to believe. I smoked some Amnesia Haze from The Netherlands last night that wasn't as a good as my buddies White Widow...
  9. BigEasy1

    customs opened my gear

    If you're this paranoid already you'll go out of your mind a couple weeks into flower when she really starts a stankin'.
  10. BigEasy1

    For those interested in SuperCloset products......

    I looked at them when I first started out but in the end I decided to build my own because I couldn't get it shipped here.
  11. BigEasy1

    Covering windows without arousing suspicion

    Tell your neighbors you are a vampire and sunlight hurts your eyes.
  12. BigEasy1

    Colorado Seeds

    Yea, I was just wondering. I don't live there or anything so I don't know how things are shaking out. It all still seems weird to me.
  13. BigEasy1

    Colorado Seeds

    Since it's legal now to grow 6 plants in Colorado are seeds readily available somewhere?
  14. BigEasy1

    Vision AK49 and NL autoflower grow

    Yeah man, awesome job! I'll be interested to know the dried and trimmed yield.
  15. BigEasy1

    AgroMax Intensity Series LED - 342w what do you think?

    I have a BlackStar 270 Chrome and am happy but had I have it to do over again, I'd go with an Area 51.
  16. BigEasy1

    seed bank

    Herbies seems to be good but damn, you're in the UK and didn't know that most of the big seed banks are in your backyard and it's legal to possess them?
  17. BigEasy1

    Plant stem thickening [QUESTION]

    Maybe that's why my plants grow so bushy. I run an LED but maybe it puts more out on one side of the spectrum than the other.
  18. BigEasy1

    feeding question

    Your plants look way to droopy to me so I'd quit doing something.
  19. BigEasy1

    Germination- Think Different

    I don't know why people over complicate the ever loving hell out of this. Oh, and the bleach reference is a new one to me. I would never put a bean in bleach............or a shot glass........or a paper towel. Stick it in the dirt or in a piece of PH'd rock wool and be done with it already.
  20. BigEasy1

    secret societies!! lets learn something new...

    I belong to the Secret Order of the Shark Nose.