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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    yah i got light lastnight and a fan. i have repoted some but i have to get soil from out of town at my cousins to do the rest. pics later of light. I also got foxfarm trio pack with grow big,tiger bloom and big bloom and advice on how to use?
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    Guerilla Grow in Cornfield. Need Advice!

    Nobody has any other advice?????
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    seedling trouble.

    Alright thanks for the advice. Check out my grow journal...tell me what you think
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    well if anything i am not watering enough some have dried up and withered,died i believe. I am purchasing a 8 tube 4ft 54 watt t5 light system tomm would that work perfect?here are some updated pics take a look
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    seedling trouble.

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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    An that is mylar on the wall and the white is poly black/white from wormsway
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    No nutes, complete jiffy pot organic mix temp is stable at 75 but at night it drops to 63 and humidity ll have to get back with since im not up there. every 2 days I water with natural spring water at room temp. lighting schedule is 18 on and there around 3in from plant. please help
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    look at my grow journal please need some advice. Your advice helped but having troubles with...

    look at my grow journal please need some advice. Your advice helped but having troubles with seedling withering can you help long with one that has brown tips like it was to close to light look at pics plese.
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    well some seedlings are doing good and others are not. I need to know what is wrong with them. One has brown on the tips like it has been to close to the light? Others are withering over and dying.I am wanting around 900 plants would you advise starting all by seed or starting 50 seed an clone...
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    what is nice? An well heat is an issue thats why I cant use them. But just got light and got...

    what is nice? An well heat is an issue thats why I cant use them. But just got light and got about a hundred seedlings going an looking good. When can I clone?
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    seedling trouble.

    the pic is on my grow journal and there in jiffy pots. I would say that i m over watering them but when i check soil it is dry. I dont know whats wrong with them
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    update... Some seedlings are dying I believe. They are laying over although there still green. pics soon what do you think I am doing wrong.
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    seedling trouble.

    Well these seedlings were doing great but today i noticed that some are drooping over and the stems look purple. How long should you have cfl lights on with these? An how much should I water and how often?pics soon:cuss:
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    why dont you think there accurate? heat isnt so much an issue its the shape of my grow room. it...

    why dont you think there accurate? heat isnt so much an issue its the shape of my grow room. it slants an is only say 5 feet tall. would you say you could grow indoor for 41/2 5 months then bring outdoors,thats my plan. dont plan to flower indoors.
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    growing plant indoor wondering if i can move it outdoor

    why cant you start in the beginning of winter?
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    Nobody has anything to say? need advice
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    do you think that it is accurate? An I have found other lights cheaper that I will post on the...

    do you think that it is accurate? An I have found other lights cheaper that I will post on the thread.
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    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    Hi everyone, first time grower here. The plan is to grow these indoor for 4-5 months then bring them outdoors for sunlight. I have a t5 8 bulb pioneer grow on the way for the side without any lights. Any advice would be appreciated throughout this process. Pictures will be updated often for...