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    Tek Light 432W 3000K 40000 Lumens 4FT T5 Fluorescent Grow Light $369.90 Tek Light...

    Tek Light 432W 3000K 40000 Lumens 4FT T5 Fluorescent Grow Light $369.90 Tek Light 432 Watt T5 fluorescent grow light produces 40,000 lumens with 3000K lamps for flowering & fruiting growth 432 watt 4-ft 95% reflective T5 fluorescent grow light Includes 8-4FT 3000 Kelvin...
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    question on lights

    Come on people I need some advice....
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    needing some advice on soil.

    Alright, well I plan to have a grow operation outdoors and came to a question regarding soil. I have a bunch of organic soil in bags,around 50 normal size bags and I am wondering if I can mix it with the dirt at the area so that it goes further since i will be planting around 700 plants?Also I...
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    question on lights

    Well I hear that there not as good? Is it true that the plant can touch t5's and it wont burn the plant? Also do they produce much heat? They would be great I think due to the room but I want something that will be good for vegging for 3 months since I will be putting them outside eventually...
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    question on lights

    Well I would like to buy a mh light kit for vegging before bringing them outside here in a few months, but my grow room is a problem. I read that you want to have the light 4ft from plant for 600watts. my room is around 15 ft long 3ft wide and the height is 1ft than starts slanting so i would...
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    Guerilla Grow in Cornfield. Need Advice!

    well first off i will say thanks for the advice. I have seen many grows in the cornfields which is why I was wondering. So you would advise that I do it beside the corn in woods or a patch open area along corn? An for the one who said not to get shot by a farmer well I would not be seen unlike...
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    Guerilla Grow in Cornfield. Need Advice!

    Well I am thinking of growing in some cornfields due to that being the only thing around. does any experienced cornfield growers have any advice on these things. Should I replace the soil? Will the soil burn my plants from nutes? when should I transplant from indoor to cornfield? should i use...
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    Corn field ganja guerrilla growing

    So i am considering a corn grow since around here thats all there is. Wold you reccomend it due to the pesticides and is the soil good so that I wold not have to bring soil? Should I add any soil additives to it for better results? Does it need fertilzer? An should i use organic or chemical...
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    need help with watering equipment

    Alright well were I live i am not to worried about rippers/pigs or harvesting although how much estimating would you say harvest could be so I have an idea, my strain is critical mass, and hash plant haze I know this is asked a lot so sry. my main concern is water. Although there is nearby...
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    new seeds ordered

    Yah i saw that tree grow thats what gave me the idea to get them. Well these will be grown outdoors in guerilla andi I have been told to not use fertilizers and let mother nature take its course,any ideas and why they would say that?
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    need help with watering equipment

    alright so let mother nature do its thing,huh? so whats the point of ferts then? I want some nice big plants and have been told to use ferts for this.I will take your advice but should I use fets occasionally?
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    new seeds ordered

    I was worried at first but I ordered on the 25 of November and got them on December 2nd. So it was pretty fast I am not sure about the seeds though they look a little immature.
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    need help with watering equipment

    Alright well it is a guerrilla grow and if I don't use ferts my plants wont look as healthy or yield as much right? Im not sure I would need to pump the water to the reservoir but I figured it would be easier to pump to res. then hide hose and pump, from there I could mix ferts and test ph...
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    new seeds ordered

    Yah from what Ive read it is big bud and skunk. Well there from attitude seed bank but I think they come through Mr. nice seeds. Well I read that its the highest yielding on the market? Do you think they will be adequate to grow outdoors in the Midwest? Along with the Critical Mass they sent a...
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    new seeds ordered

    Well just got seeds today! can nobody comment on this thread?Or is critical mass not interesting?hope to hear from someone soon?
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    New grow room construction on way,need help.

    Well thanks for the help, Im going to get t5's and i have found a good place to get some. The thing is I have a shelf splitting the grow room so i have to have two seperate lights. So I figured I wold construct a light myself that will run 2 54 watt t5's above and 2 below, with extra compact...
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    need help with watering equipment

    alright newbie here planning on outdoor grow. I plan getting my water source from a big creek and plan on pumping it to resevoir that will hold water and hopefully fertilizer from there it will have a timer to release the water as needed. Now if i have the water in the resevoir over a period of...
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    New grow room construction on way,need help.

    alright, thanks for the input. I was considering t5's in the first place so I think ill go with those. How many bulbs do you think I need and do you have any advice on were to get some decent price fixtures w/ bulbs?
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    New grow room construction on way,need help.

    Alright well My grow room is 4ft long,2 1/2 ft wide,and 3ft tall. I am constructing the frame out of 3/4in pvc with sun leaves black/white poly wrapped around tightly so that no light leaks in or out. Heres the problem if the area is split so that there is a shelf in the middle and i were to...
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    new seeds ordered

    Newbie here, well just ordered new seeds called critical mass. Cant wait for them to get here. Anyone had any good luck with these outdoor? I plan to start them inside and then move outdoors.