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  1. DoeEyed

    First GrowOp, some noob ?'s...

    I would do a mix - most folks like to do either a third, or fourth mix - so one 2700k for every two or three 6500k for veg, and vice-versa for flower. Your Walmart might not have 'em, lol - but just sayin, I know where they are and what they look like, and still have to stand and stare to find...
  2. DoeEyed

    Virgin goes all the way

    ok - set your timer back to the correct time again. Just be sure she gets extra darkness for the switch, not extra light, if you see what I mean. So - go ahead and turn it off tonight at the time you want, and set it to come on again in the morning - she'll be fine. Yeah, they can take a lot of...
  3. DoeEyed

    Lights for a very small crop

    Well, if you do one plant, with say two or three CFL's and a fan - plus some damn good odor control - you might get away with it. I really wouldn't recommend growing in a dorm, however.
  4. DoeEyed

    going on 10 weeks and bud still not ready?

    What are you using for lights? Lower powered lights will make flowering take a bit longer than it should. Also - if you have a Sativa dominant strain, it will take longer (as you aren't sure on the WW). Got pics?
  5. DoeEyed

    curled up leaves

    You're overfeeding her.
  6. DoeEyed

    pre flower help please

    If there are tiny leaves coming out, then you're looking at new growth, side branching - not sex. How old is the plant? How long has it been in flower? Indica or Sativa?
  7. DoeEyed

    7 days showed 3 days still all. growing rapidly

    Sounds like it's a Sativa dominant plant. They take longer to do everything, including flower. Either way, different strains show at different times - even individuals of the same strain can vary a bit. You shouldn't have stopped feeding them - the first two to three weeks in flower, is when...
  8. DoeEyed

    Virgin goes all the way

    You should be fine, the area that is burnt the worst, keep an eye out for bananas later in flowering. You're gonna have to check at least once a day, twice would be better - until they finish their stretch. If you don't, this will keep happening. They grow pretty damn fast, to double or triple...
  9. DoeEyed

    First GrowOp, some noob ?'s...

    Well, I tried really hard to find a link on their website, and it isn't listed - nor can I find a picture of it. If I get to Walmart before you find them, I'll take a picture for you. But the box is very small, and easy to overlook. Camping section, survival gear shit - compass, first aid kits...
  10. DoeEyed

    Get Rid of all my BILLS? UK viewers only

    I'm not in the UK, but yeah, that shit works here. If the bill was in someone else's name, call the company, say you just moved in and need service. Don't say anything about your friend - if you just moved in, you wouldn't know the last guy's name, or even if it were a he or she.
  11. DoeEyed

    Growing 2-3 plants under 400w HPS ONLY

    A 400w is definately sufficient for 3 plants, you could do up to 9 under it, at a decent size even. Figure it has a 3x3 footprint, that's pretty much the space you have, to work with. You will need fans, though - that light will put out heat. The smaller the space you put it in, the more heat...
  12. DoeEyed

    Wtf very little smell every harvest???

    I use Jack's Classic nutes, All Purpose (20-20-20) in veg and half strength in flower, and the Blossom Booster (10-30-20) in flower only. My plants stink all the way to the end, until they dry - but then, I don't stop giving them their nutes either, nor do I flush.
  13. DoeEyed

    Ready to harvest?

    The trichs turn all over the plant, not just on the leaf.
  14. DoeEyed

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Oh - Blue Dream for sure! I came soooooooo close to getting some my last order, let's see her grow!
  15. DoeEyed

    2 Growers, 1 STRAIN...BLUE WIDOW dual grow.

    Don't feel bad Hardroc, I knocked one of my Chronic babies right on the floor this week - just gave her more soil, and put her back, lol.
  16. DoeEyed

    Wonder's Medical Grow: Round 3

    Hey wonder, did you know there's a creature living in your garden?! lol Looking good there!
  17. DoeEyed

    Club 600

    I have air cooled hoods, and as long as my oscillating fan is on, blowing across the canopy, I can get away with about 10" from the top. If you're in flower, an early indication that the light is too close, before you see burns - the buds will lose the hair from the very top - it'll make kind of...
  18. DoeEyed

    First GrowOp, some noob ?'s...

    In answer to your previous question, yep, that would be in place of painting. Here's a pic of my veg room, and my flower room (while it was being prepared). You can see the e-blankets on the walls. Really shouldn't need anything else, just attatch right to the walls. Each one is like 5'x7.5'...
  19. DoeEyed

    Some hella NEWBIE questions *pics*

    They definately need some food, I'd try it out, at a low dose. They still look a bit overwatered. Allow them to dry out more. Next time, try allowing them to dry until they just begin to droop. That way you'll have a better idea of when you need to water - you'll want to do so right before they...
  20. DoeEyed

    power kush and mobey dick first soil run

    Gorgeous buds, man, you're doing a great job!