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  1. BeefSupreme

    Need help ive never seen this before

    looks like nute burn possibly at one point, they look healthy now though
  2. BeefSupreme

    250 hps height question.

    If you had a cool tube you would be fine. Is the intake and exhaust both from your room? if it is you should crack a window to keep the temp down
  3. BeefSupreme

    Help Please - Hypothetical question... (mail related)

    I always put a fake address on it, and dont put the recievers name on it and they cant do shit. If they questioned your friend he would say that someone sent him that to get him in trouble, and with no name, they cant prove anything. This has worked for me, but my last one didnt make it through...
  4. BeefSupreme

    Can anyone help my girls!

    Looks like its slightly burned because of a pH imbalance. The burn marks on the edges are signs of too much nutrients and the way the leaves are bending would be the pH im balance. These two usually go together because when the pH is off, the plant will lock out certain nutrients and take in way...
  5. BeefSupreme

    Help with my grow box

    This is where the funnest part of growing comes in, being creative! if you have a unique sized box its going to be hard to get pointers. Just think about what would work and different ways of attaching things. Screws, wires, whatever works!
  6. BeefSupreme

    First Harvest Ever!!

    its not 2oz, maybe 1, it loses 75% of its weight when it dries
  7. BeefSupreme

    Flowering times?

    The flowering time starts the first day you switch them to 12/12. They always start slow and finish fast. The reason being it takes time for them to switch the vegging hormones to the flowering hormones
  8. BeefSupreme

    Is it ok to start veg under 400hps??

    400w is perfect! just make sure they are at least a foot away and your alllllll good
  9. BeefSupreme

    Canna bio organics

    canna is organic and the yield will be a tiny bit smaller, but the quality will be a lot better
  10. BeefSupreme

    Whats going on?

    ya that sounds like a pH imbalance. Do you know what your pH is at?
  11. BeefSupreme

    2st grow, Flowering, thin leaves curling under

    it looks like a pH issue, but your pH is good. Have you tested the accuracy of your pH meter lately?
  12. BeefSupreme

    Unknown deficiancy

    it doesnt look like a deficiency, what is your pH like?
  13. BeefSupreme

    2st grow, Flowering, thin leaves curling under

    What is your temperature at? whats your circulation like?
  14. BeefSupreme

    leaves drying, curling upwards and twisting

    You only need to give them nutes every week, and your EC seems a bit high for that small of a plant
  15. BeefSupreme

    Hey. Do your buds have white powder mold on them? If they do then they probably turned orange...

    Hey. Do your buds have white powder mold on them? If they do then they probably turned orange because the mold killed them. Is the mold gone now?
  16. BeefSupreme

    Noob Temperature Question

    If you have hot spots in your box, that means you need more circulation. Get some more fans in there and then you will get a constant temperature.
  17. BeefSupreme

    clones, week 2

    Take the dome off when they start growing new leaves. There should also be roots around the whole pot
  18. BeefSupreme

    No private massages?

    16 away! you're almost almost a quarter way there!
  19. BeefSupreme

    Whats going on?

    are they dried and curling up? If you are overwatering they will curl under. If the pH is off they will curl in different places all over the leaf. If you are over fertilizing it will burn on the ends and curl
  20. BeefSupreme

    another yellow/brown leaf problem

    Hmm, doesnt look like a deficiency. Check under the leaves for bugs...