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  1. pinxpointxpupil

    Purple Power Pre-flowers

    slaughtering time
  2. pinxpointxpupil

    My new grow (PICS)

    or of underwatering? maybe not idk but my plants kinda droop like that when they tell they're thirsty
  3. pinxpointxpupil

    UPDATE! 1 Month and 5 days

    yeah the "petals" or whatever are fine, the only leaves that have had any problems have been fan leaves but not even bad problems, nothing that will effect me gettin a legit harvest
  4. pinxpointxpupil

    Buds are too dry help

    celery! use celery in a mason jar sealed with your bud if you want some moisture back with no extra taste to ruin the original bud taste.
  5. pinxpointxpupil

    Will this light work?????

    pretty sure you could vape the thc right off your bud if you could, some how, in some alternate universe, grow bud with a light like that... funny side note, i have this EXACT light and i turned it on once just to see what kind of light came out and it was seriously the hottest shit ever would...
  6. pinxpointxpupil

    Medical Marijuana?

    It's not the strain, medical weed has to be of a certain potency to effectively treat whatever symptoms people might be having. Any strain, as long as it has been grown to the right strength can be med bud. (basically it has to be some dank ass shit to be good for medicinal use lol to put it in...
  7. pinxpointxpupil

    Show me what ya got????? best pic's.... get +rep...

    3.5 weeks into flowering. 50 days overall. :joint::hump:
  8. pinxpointxpupil

    UPDATE! 1 Month and 5 days

    Yeah I wasn't too worried, the plant with the fucked up leaves i spoke of is way younger than the 2'+ one so I'm not really expecting a fat yield from it anyway but thanks for the info about the leaves, I probably would've been like what the fuck have i done? if i saw all the leaves dying. But...
  9. pinxpointxpupil

    Will this light work?????

    yeah there we go, some good ol fashioned learning
  10. pinxpointxpupil

    How much can I yield?

    Yeah trying to tell someone their yield is literally trying to see into the future..which most of us can't, so I'm told. Obviously people can give you a very rough estimate but why not just do it and see for yourself, you're gettin pretty close man. Good luck!
  11. pinxpointxpupil

    UPDATE! 1 Month and 5 days

    Lol that pic doesn't show what i was talking about very well at all now does it? I thought the same after I looked at the picture again, in person there is a portion of leaf that is lookin really crispy but still green, idk the rest is very healthy. I have 2 pretty large fans going at all...
  12. pinxpointxpupil

    Attention People Who DEBATE Over Religion.

    Lol define "people" then. Because myself and plenty of people I know are able to do this. I guess if you mean the majority then fine.... I wasn't underestimating anybody, only replying to the responses I got, no estimation lol. I guess I forgot how much people like to bicker and argue about...
  13. pinxpointxpupil

    Grow noob, looking for help on my tall skinny plants..

    Not sure if anybody mentioned this, but I saw you say you were growing "mid grades". Why? You can grow some pretty dank ass bud with just about any seed. Some people like bricktop will jump on my ass for saying that because he's so anal about genetics n shit, but in reality you can get good...
  14. pinxpointxpupil

    Pics posted any sugggestions?? I'm thinking overwatering or root rot.

    damn those things look pretty fucked up man they may bounce back but i wouldn't be surprised of those are unsalvageable
  15. pinxpointxpupil

    Check this out

    nitrogen anyone?
  16. pinxpointxpupil

    Will this light work?????

    to a crisp EDIT: IAm5toned is your avatar xaio xaio or whatever? all those flash animations of the stick dude fucking everyone up?
  17. pinxpointxpupil

    How much can I yield?

    lol how bout you wait a bit longer than you tell US?
  18. pinxpointxpupil

    UPDATE! 1 Month and 5 days

    thanks man! I'm actually surprised at how dank it's getting i didn't think my first grow would be so nice....and i still have 6 weeks to go lol
  19. pinxpointxpupil

    Attention People Who DEBATE Over Religion.

    Nice one! I also wonder this. Have yet to be shown the proof. You'd think such a mystical man would have at least ONE real first hand account on record somewhere....
  20. pinxpointxpupil

    Is this light good for this grow room?

    I mean it depends on what KIND of stress they are getting, if there is a lot of heat stress certain signs will show (Yellowing/crisping of leaves) as with any other kind of stress. But a very shitty irreversible effect of stress is balls growing on your babies or balls and hairs (hermi). It's...