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  1. P

    Why are these clones yellowing and shriveling?

    A slight spray like this -> pinch of beer+water will show you if there are saprophytes around thriving on dead matter. Aprox 7h [cloner %Rh] to moldy white fuzz ok ok...
  2. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    Yeah after all this swampy presentations, at some extent he may look like a wiki son..anyway he's givin input around lovely things like this btw thanks riu & bangaman for the syntactic forgiveness fuckers
  3. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    yeah, also we have recipes for disaster. Hid: from 20000lux to 80000 paired with your best ever, simple & handy buffer [outlaw humidity] and you are done with 24/7
  4. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    I agree. Everyone knows photosynthesis net its always optimized at a given par(low or high)+environment. At this point no one is gonna earn a medal^. Plant obviously will try to generate new tissue [with proper new % stomata, cell guards,etc] or reallocate starches whenever you dim up the light...
  5. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    That rebuild of the enzyme reservoir vs never depleted doesn't has to be a scary thing m8. If you give plants a couple dark night cycles they will be adjusted from the root tip to the thylakoid. Just double the light intensity and you will get a better plant system/structure in dark cycled plants
  6. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    It doesnt affect plants phototropism. That bad analogy just takes in account the full colonization & consolidation of a substrate as the first requisite prior to start a bloom phase. Also if a part of this substrate is already colonized by another species (competition relationship) or being...
  7. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    well, consider root colonization landmark as a big igniter in the triggering-response scene bro. Nice input, well known in mycology as a igniter or secondary bloom trigger anyways those four five weeks for sexing fits perfectly with 18/6 :P
  8. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6. this things are much more interesting, dont get lost fuckers
  9. P

    Powder Mildew

    Guys most bottles on the phytosanitary treatments section of your landscape/farming store consist of the proper venom +a hint of Si . Give back caesar his own fking coins lol Just start closing risk vectors from design phase for 5-6 months buddy. Bugs act as carriers and this molds also...
  10. P

    24 hour light vs. 18/6.

    (whatever)/+4 for max root elongation in most c3 plants...
  11. P

    Bug/Spider Mite Abomination!?!?

    Abamectine translaminar action is so cool
  12. P

    Simple Plan...for condo grow.

    gotcha I'm pretty sure your system is gonna work m8. 8) For the cheaper alternative just buy whatever has +40%OM around the 0.5$/lb mark. It isnt easy, much more harder than finding your love. You dont need more than 2 kilo per 50gals soil. It deserves attention ^ Some other things -Cant...
  13. P

    Simple Plan...for condo grow.

    Woah, that gaia shit is superxpensive bro. Just take your time to find out something below 0.5$/lb mark buddy. Also for your 0.4$/gal of fluffy soilmix watchout landscapping webs/products; whoever is selling or giving input of substrates adapted to cold/warm environments. For top dressing...
  14. P

    transition to flower question

    You deduct 4-7 days from pistils As a reference you let 4,5,6,7,8 adventicious roots crash with your container during 18/6 & then you flip to 12/12------>4-7 days to pistils
  15. P

    Maximize efficiency!

    As St1kybudz said u previously, go cloning!! you have enough space to overstock a state with clones buddy Grab & copy the very best genetics in your area (asking for permission). Start donations with local moldy hippies; show them your work while you do weed tourism.. you will soon dont 've to...
  16. P

    help with my roots in soil

    phahah Just top dress with whatever has +50% organic matter coming from fish or sea. lets say a 2-2-2 +5MgO is by itself a soil conditioner ..
  17. P

    250w SLH sog mainlined

    why not 20 colas
  18. P

    6" pipe, 3" pots?

    Yeah, then forget about the two bulbs thingy & start with light measurements (then try figuring out how the hormone flow could be & youĺl be ok). Dont put your plants a mile away! About the radius 10" distance on full bloom / 10" aerial biomass / xx" medium works for a 600W. More than...
  19. P

    Have any of you DIY COB Growers finished a crop under 1000W DE HPS? - POLL

    probably yes ^ looks like plants build cell structures around water. In case of cold ambient temps wich lamp is gonna expose more water & dry matter to the environment? <---nice coffe reading The...