Hey i'll let you Kool Klub Kids tell each other how smart you are. I'm headin out to a BBQ with REAL God fearin, Military Loving American folks.
we'll drink our beer smoke our dope, watch kids play and laugh at dolts like you and sammy and buck...LOL
Happy 4th of July. Although I'm sure Buck...
You fuks are so easily baited,,,,,Here chickens.....
Don't worry what these asswipes have to say Red1966, there opinion are much like my ass stinkie and dull
so let me get this straight, you pricks think if ya can't spell your opinion isn't worthy.
Classic Libatard. You guys have a much depth as a fukin shallow pothole you dill holes.
Wipe you mouth sammy bit of buck on yer lips..LOL
A little 4th Of July Porn for the 6
BLack Sour Bubble
Room Shot
Smelly Cherry This Bitch is BIG
So what I going for here is 1 Pound 1 plant 1 light
have a good 4th Everyone
No we just peek in and laugh at all you buck worshipers. Then we LOGOUT and go and live life. Life is not lived thru a computer GW, but it seems that Buck think his words actually mean something when in all actuality the only person he impress is himself and a few of you dolts.
I think its hard for anyone to take someone like UB seriously. I mean 19,620 post in 2 plus years. Put the computer down and go outside. leave these people alone.
Go get a life you moron.
Doing OK. Had a bit of a dried cracked foot. thought I'll put some ointment on it and a band-aid. fuck me when I went to rip the band-aid off took a lot of skin with it and started bleedin like a bastard. So no golf this 4th of july, laid up I am.
Then me lass says since you are laid up i'm off...