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  1. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    Well Done Don
  2. H

    AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

    Wondering if mosquito dunk kill the mykos
  3. H

    trayvan martin

    This is Florida.....He walks......Right to defend
  4. H

    Club 600

    Good Morning All. looking right nice there D. Potroast deleted my sig and told me not to spam the members. I said come on PR. There are not that many people on here anyway...LOL
  5. H

    Club 600

  6. H

    Club 600

    Good Morning 600 lookin good round here
  7. H

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Oh yeah I know it well
  8. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    yeah I bought one of those honey bee extractors, easy to use.
  9. H

    Club 600

    Nothing like facing death to get the senses tingling. When it happens to me I get this big smile on my face like oh I fukin love this shit. Better than gettin hi IMO
  10. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    I did proper oil i.e. earwax the other day. It was like the first time I got high. I loves it!!!!!
  11. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    hows the sour cherry Don?
  12. H

    trayvan martin

    It's the second time in a matter of months that an error in a ‘Today' show broadcast has put the morning program at the center of a national criminal trial. In April, 'Today' aired a misleadingly edited phone call between the police and the man who shot Florida teenager Trayvon Martin...
  13. H

    trayvan martin

    If he were convicted of that domestic violence, then he would have never been able to own a gun. Guess it didn't happen
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    Club 600

    I been using this stuff in tea and top dress for a couple years now GREAT stuff at a great price!
  15. H

    trayvan martin

    Tell it No Drama!!! Uncle Buck WRONG Again
  16. H

    Club 600

    Fuckin outsider assholes..LOL.. I think he was talkin about me. LOL.. I was just an observer that knows Jig from other places than here, but ya gotta admit hes a funny bastard...
  17. H

    Club 600

    boy you a easy target? CA????????
  18. H

    trayvan martin

    Funny part is there are pages and pages of people disagreeing with UB and Carne. And they continue to think its THEM its not us..LOL.
  19. H

    Club 600

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, Oh Jig I'm pissin me pants.... Funny Fuker you are!!!
  20. H

    trayvan martin

    Isn't it funny only Kool Kids Like carne agree with this Prick Uncle Buck.