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  1. smallclosetgrowr

    Do these look like nuts?

    male. either take its pollen to make some seeds or throw it out.
  2. smallclosetgrowr

    Epsom salt

    the truth is nowadays your better off just giving your plants a feed with a soluble fertilizer.epsom salts are great but they mostly used in horticulture ages ago.
  3. smallclosetgrowr

    Organic soil, with ferterlizer?

    will u could allways go organic ferts... some might say u will get a better tasting weed going strictly organic.just use that soil but add half compost.this way u will get GREAT water retention and nutrient retention.if u wanna add more u could allways go with manure or wormcastings , GL.
  4. smallclosetgrowr

    Need advice for buying good seed strains

    if u want super easy shit to grow with huge buds. look no further then bigbud,afghani,mango and most kush's
  5. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hmm i went to upload my grow pics but its not working.i goto upload manager , add files then hit the upload button and i can see it trying to upload but after 10mins nothing. any ideas?
  6. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i think im the only old regular left here , beside beginerbloomer that pops on once in a while
  7. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    man this thread use to be rocking when jats first started it , now its just ........existing.
  8. smallclosetgrowr

    Help asap!!!!!! 4 weeks into flowering yellowing leafs (hd pics!!!!)

    It's not going to get any better buy adding N at this stage in flowering but it might help slow it down
  9. smallclosetgrowr

    Help asap!!!!!! 4 weeks into flowering yellowing leafs (hd pics!!!!)

    Next 2 feeds use veg nutes , then go back to bloom but add N
  10. smallclosetgrowr

    25 days into flower. HELP!!!!

    your pictures are all outa focus it makes it hard.althought pic 4 it looks like your plants are fine and that your plant symotons must only be minor.i would lay off using any additives atm and just use the 1 base bloom fertilzer at a lower strength and see what happens
  11. smallclosetgrowr

    White spots with brown outlines spreading quick PLEASE HELP!

    yep they will grow new leaves but not fans leaves , they will grow sugar/trim leaf. just make sure the dont starv from nitro or your yellowing will get worse. when u start your flower nutes and some veg nutes to keep the foliage going. or just simply add N to the bloom
  12. smallclosetgrowr

    Saving HARVEST from bud rot

    yes but why make your plant starv and focus on its reserve when it can focus on other things.. i do see your point tho.
  13. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    guys go look up "kog" hes from Northern NSW of Australia and hes book 'Marijuana, A Growers Lot' . hes also got some pretty good vids on youtube where has 50 plants on hes outdoor grows on hes property ! and the cops still cant touch him. hes a fking champ but i dont think he knows as much...
  14. smallclosetgrowr

    Got problems ? Post here...

    ive seen alot of nubs with 500 or so posts just posting shit cos they can if u want the truth post here. i can almost guarenteree wats wrong if u give me the details of your grow. im looking for challenge.
  15. smallclosetgrowr

    Got problems ? Post here...

    come on someone atleast challenge me to there problem. u have all this experience at hand.
  16. smallclosetgrowr

    can anyone one help

    looks like spider mites bro , didnt have a real good look , nor did i read your post.
  17. smallclosetgrowr

    Day 12 Flowering, Serious wilt and yellowing! :(

    fuck all that shlt tell me what your lights are , most likely a lack of light reaching the lower branches so the kill them off because there is no use for branches that dont receive light its a waste of energy
  18. smallclosetgrowr

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    hydro im guessing whats the EC? how often do u give them a new solution ?
  19. smallclosetgrowr

    Transplanting during first weeks of Flowering?

    if its a true female it wil not turn hermie with the 1 transplant. but u did say its bagseeds so i hope the best for u lol . gl
  20. smallclosetgrowr

    Plants Curling N Yellowing With Pics!!!

    dude dont ever use flora nova if its a 1 part solution , ive told many and ill keep telling many more. 1 part bottle wil cause lockout for sure with the brand, i had it.