dont be a fucking idiot bro i know more the u do about growing man , i have a diploma in hort and a cert 3. gnats grow in soil thats why i was so confused but if u fking read he says hyrdo . pfft.
yea goto your local hardware store and pickup some poly urethane or what ever its called.its the transparent film the use on greenhouses. then just put up 4 stacks in the ground and tie it over the plant, this way your plant is still geting the UV rays it needs.
yeah dont bother squirting a little every day or so , soak the whole pot every week or so. your encouragin the roots to dive down to reach the water =bigger root ball=bigger yeild
light is way to close. also try and keep your fan facing away from the plants but still providing circulation for the next few days.try watering the foliage just after lights out.
not sure if i completly agree on this. im growing 3 diff strains at the moment and they havnt been fed at all yet and some just naturally have darker leaves, i notice the more indica it is the darker the leaves.
i would just stop feeding all up , your plants look ok. try feeding them organic stuff so u dont have to worry about overfeeding/salts. go buy some manure or compost or organic pellets. then when there big and flowering i would start the bloom feed.
yeah man thats a bad case of spider mites. u should be spraying every day so u kill the ones hatching from eggs. are u spraying underneath the leaves aswell?where did u get the plants from?are the left outside at all still ?
it looks like it to me , has the foliage been wet for a while ? in that pic tho it looks nice an dry/crispy even.does it have the little white mouldy hairs on it ?
if its a massive cause of root bound and the roots have started working there way back up u might have to tickle the bottom otherwise theres no sense in transplanting.if u got the cash if grab a bottle of seasol it will help a shlt load with transplant stress.
yea the spots could be from fungal spores but generally speaking the spots a normally brown/black not white. if u think its fungus u wanna open the plant up for got air circulation , maybe tie some branches down ? and also rake around the ground and remove any dead plant matter.
seems like u got more then 1 problem there man. the one in the ground is doing good because its not restricted to certain amount of soil/food, although u havnt fed it i doubt it will even need a feed at all...mj's tap roots will dive down far. as for your plants in the pots it looks like a nitro...