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  1. Cobnobuler

    Green crack 1600w stretch issue.

    I think it looks great man. I've run GC before and the total flowering time can vary greatly from one pheno to another. Once it was the first to finish in my little garden.
  2. Cobnobuler

    grotek cal max qustion

    Just wonderin...if someone on here told you to throw them off a bridge........
  3. Cobnobuler

    does this look like spider mites?

    Great shot Dadio
  4. Cobnobuler

    Should i switch 12/12?

    Oh man shit !! Hell ya...... Are those wings open hoods then ? You don't have heat problems without glass ?
  5. Cobnobuler

    Planting Seed Above Dirt?

    .......Like I said, why do so many think mother nature needs so much help ? :)
  6. Cobnobuler

    Planting Seed Above Dirt?

    Why do we think mother nature needs so much help ...??
  7. Cobnobuler

    Is Distilled Water Bad to Use for Watering Your Plants?

    Did you know....if distilled water was all you had access to you would slowly die ? Distilled water is void of any and all mineral base. Now, plants aren't people, but I wouldnt use it JMO of course.....
  8. Cobnobuler

    Nutrient Question

    HPS pictures show nothing useful to be seen. Its too hard to try to look through all that yellow. If you are new to growing you should really really go easy on using nutrients in general. Depending on whats used on them they can burn quickly or it take a while but either way, if they do burn...
  9. Cobnobuler

    Microscope reviews

    I have one of those USB scopes but I ended up always going back to my old RadioShack $12 scope. I could see what I need to see, and I wondered why I thought I needed to take pictures.
  10. Cobnobuler

    Soil Ph

    You're overall ability to grow will have FAR more impact on what you end up with than will sweating over how to adjust your PH by point 2.
  11. Cobnobuler

    Balancing Acidic PH of Peat based Soil?

    You sir are a King. I don't care what anybody else says about you. This is what I believe, and its great to hear someone else say it. I found the whole PH thing to be nothing but an unpleasant pain in the ass, and I was never 100% convinced that the readings I would get were truly accurate. I...
  12. Cobnobuler

    Should i switch 12/12?

    Thats not bad say, 4 oz per plant right ? What kind of lighting do you use ?
  13. Cobnobuler

    Balancing Acidic PH of Peat based Soil?

    ....and I'm more than surprised that you would have any kind of issue with seedlings in that.
  14. Cobnobuler

    got alot of leaf

    Do what I do. I throw it all away. It's all about buds. Nothing but buds. Besides, if something goes wrong, its counted as full weight. I can't pitch it quick enough. It ends up in the garbage can down at the car wash :)
  15. Cobnobuler

    Planting Seed Above Dirt?

    Plant da bitch already....and figgetaboutit Mother Nature knows her job from there.
  16. Cobnobuler

    Planting Seed Above Dirt?

    You want the seed to shed its shell as it pushes its way up to the surface. Just plant it maybe no more than an inch or so and make sure theres no little pieces of bark or anything like that in the way and if its a viable seed worth growing, it will come up.
  17. Cobnobuler

    how to flush when scrogging

    Right there is why I never went that route either. I've been rotating the plants just a little bit practically every day sine I started growing.
  18. Cobnobuler

    Can't decide on new strain.

    Ya, I remember at the time like I said I never had one turn purple like that and it just tripped me right out. I had a Jackberry plant before it that had a swirl of purple in it, but this girl was just straight up all purple and when I put her in the sun the colors that came off it were just...
  19. Cobnobuler

    A peek into my expansion:)

    Not shabby at all Ryan. You got a nice gig goin on there. That Purple Pine Berry looks interesting. Nice stuff. Oh and Vostok was just referring to your scrog screen also known as chicken wire. :)