Search results

  1. Katatawnic

    Blaze & Daze

    I also make topicals. Not only a salve (basically a whipped body butter), but I also make "lotion bars" and pour the prepared mixture into empty deodorant containers. Very portable, can carry in pocket or purse, and no mess when applying! The lotion bars are a huge hit with my family and...
  2. Katatawnic

    Growing Girls Scout Cookies (low yield?)

    I like to harvest my favorite daytime strain, Red Dragon, a week or so early. The potency is full, and the flavor is amazing! If I let it go further, it doesn't taste as good, but the potency is the same. I found this out by accident, when I broke a branch almost 2 weeks before harvest, and...
  3. Katatawnic

    Grove Bags?

    It's been a while. What was your verdict re: Grove vs. Dragons?
  4. Katatawnic


    Thank you.
  5. Katatawnic


    I've seen you post this several times, and my search was specifically for a permethrin soil drench. What ratio should I mix? I have 2.5‰ permethrin.
  6. Katatawnic

    Coco and ph levels

    This is how I've been growing in coco for years (watering daily), but I recently had a huge fungus gnat infestation. (The gnat infestation began when I had a few pots in my room that were in soil, and that soil turned out to have gnat eggs in it.) So I've been watering less to discourage gnats...
  7. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    I just sent you a message. Have a great evening!
  8. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Back when I started growing, you couldn't get any seeds in the USA. I love that we finally have so many options now, without waiting on pins and needles for shipments to pass customs.
  9. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    I can't vouch for them yet. Randall from Swarley Seeds appears to have a good reputation with those whom did business with him here on RIU, and he recommended the site I posted above. That's all I've got at the moment. Every seed purchase from a new business is a gamble for me. That's why I've...
  10. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Google doesn't give reviews or opinions by growers who have used the services. That is but one benefit of using RIU, as if you didn't already know that. Are you always this cranky? I was polite to you every step of the way. I didn't deserve snarky remarks. Perhaps you need a toke or two.
  11. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    WOW! My seeds were shipped and tracking info sent in just under an hour! I hope this isn't too good to be true.
  12. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Very informative, thank you!
  13. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Thank you for the replies. Swarley Seeds was recommended several times elsewhere on RIU, so I checked them out. I contacted Randall, asking about a couple of strains I need. Instead of saying he doesn't have them and leaving it at that, he directed me to his friend's site who has them. Just for...
  14. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    You mean grandmas. Sorry I can't mind read.
  15. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Thanks, but can I have names instead of initials, if you don't have URLs? Thanks! I've only gone through Attitude and North Atlantic. I don't know seed banks by initials.
  16. Katatawnic

    Seed Banks in USA?

    Hey all, I'm looking for good seed banks in the USA. I've used North Atlantic Seeds, but they're out of stock for everything I want. I'd like to avoid customs if possible; it always makes me nervous until delivery.
  17. Katatawnic

    Vacationing with Vladimir Putin

    I didn't understand one word, but those harmonies are beautiful. Sent from my Amazon Fire using Rollitup mobile app
  18. Katatawnic

    The Impact of Whiny Bernie Babies

    No. Absolutely untrue. Sent from my Amazon Fire using Rollitup mobile app
  19. Katatawnic

    Can you breed a clone

    To the OP: This is one plant. A clone from my White Widow mother, the bottom branches sprayed with colloidal silver. Now it's a shemale! Male flowers below, female above. So yes, you CAN get seeds from a clone. You'd have to pollinate another clone from the same mother in order to have the...
  20. Katatawnic

    Can you breed a clone

    Thank you. This is where s/he is now. It can be so hard to believe that you can actually turn a female into a full blown male (not just the little "nanner" appearances) until you see it for yourself! The lack of visible pollen at this stage gave me concern, which is why I logged in to RIU last...