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  1. Double0verhead

    Favorite Thing to do While High

    all time favorite thing to do when high is surfing. nothing beats being able to get away from the whole world right after you smoke and not hve to worry about anything in life except relaxing and catching some waves
  2. Double0verhead

    Whats your favorite Drug combination??

    well years ago i would have said an 80mg oxycontin and some bong rips, but those fuckers almost took over my life so nowadays it would have to be just a bong pack rolled in honey oil.
  3. Double0verhead

    What is WRONG with my PLANTS?? PLEASE Help!!

    spraying your plants will slow their growth
  4. Double0verhead

    Cooling my box

    when the door is open sit a fan next to it to pull air in faster that will help a little, and just close the door right before dark cycle
  5. Double0verhead

    The 5 word story

    licking turd gobblers without intention
  6. Double0verhead

    Pretty buds!

    a bud on your person? :neutral:
  7. Double0verhead

    What's the best grow room Pet?

    make sure your animal doesnt crawl into your inline fan that would be messy
  8. Double0verhead

    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    woah there little buddy
  9. Double0verhead

    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    a stuudy was conducted where aliminum salts were fed to monkeys, and they ended up getting alzheimers
  10. Double0verhead

    BC Bud Depot Report

    they have some oracle seeds on there for 2,000 bucks with a thc level of 45%, seems like such a steal.........NOT
  11. Double0verhead

    Some of harvest had NO THC?

    maybe not enough light?
  12. Double0verhead can i roll harder?

    go find a steep hill and do a cannon ball
  13. Double0verhead

    i have some skunk #1 veggin right now, im dryin some easy ryder, and im gettin ready to germ...

    i have some skunk #1 veggin right now, im dryin some easy ryder, and im gettin ready to germ some blue cheese and LSD, im in st johns county man
  14. Double0verhead

    nothin much man what part of florida you from

    nothin much man what part of florida you from
  15. Double0verhead

    What would it look like

    the thc would degrade the buds would decompose
  16. Double0verhead

    fucking Dr. Phil

    i have basic television, i only get 2 channels and he is on one of them all day hahaha
  17. Double0verhead

    who is really holding it down

    damn that shits dank, is it some purps?
  18. Double0verhead

    How's school?

    Haha actually, when i graduated from high school i traveled around the hemisphere squatin in different locations for a couple years, then when i returned home i got a full time job and just took 1 or 2 night classes a semester for a few years. now im at an university studying marine biology...
  19. Double0verhead

    How's school?

    Thats what financial aid is for chika :hump: