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  1. F

    7th try to do this (Journal Record 1/3/2011-current)

    Hi Kid, they looking good, you mentioned going to buy some more sugar daddy, just a thought but take a read on General Hydroponics Floralicious Plus, my local hydro store gives it huge ratings, its super concentrated too, just 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons, which works out lot cheaper than sugar...
  2. F

    Tangerine Dream Fan Club

    well were on our way
  3. F

    Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream. from seed to mother

    another TD thread, i'm in, interesting to see all the diff methods used on this strain
  4. F

    1st try Barney's Tangerine Dream - Hempy/Scrog method

    :clap: oh i'm along for the ride too, looking real good there, bushing out nicely
  5. F

    Tangerine Dream Fan Club

    thats good news alan, my last heat mat stopped working so it was the top of the cable box for soon as these sprout i shall start taking & posting pictures.
  6. F

    Tangerine Dream

    looking good, mine just cracked, looking forward to the ride, will be watchin n picking up, subed for sure
  7. F

    Tangerine Dream Fan Club

    the higher temps & humidity helped a lot with cracking these, even after cracking they not the fasted to germ n sprout
  8. F

    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    have you tried the ziplock method, i found that when i soaked the towels n folded that ziplock they seemed to sweat in there, i'm sure thats what did it,
  9. F

    Hi Jimbo, i started a journal n thread as suggested, pop in n share a comment or 2

    Hi Jimbo, i started a journal n thread as suggested, pop in n share a comment or 2
  10. F

    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    sorry i meant to add.... i made a ph balanced solution with some Thrive Alive B1 red, & thats what i soaked the towels in. Peace
  11. F

    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    that sucks man, i ordered pk of 5 fems, well after 2 was soaking for days with no result, i thought what the hell i'll try another 2, well i did the in paper towel method, i kinda soaked the towels then put in smal ziplock & folded bag in half without zipping shut & set on plate on top of my...
  12. F

    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    8) Yayyy 6 days & the TD's finaly cracked, about bloody time too
  13. F

    Tangerine Dream Fan Club

    Ok guys n gals, i figured why not start another thread, this time on the notorious (pain in the ass to germinate) Tangerine dream. I got direct from Barneys, 5 femmed TD's, 3 days so far soaking in water & 2 days in tissue in ziplock (not closed) & still no cracks, how how about everyone else...
  14. F

    My Tangerine Dream

    yes we all have eyes, but your link does not let us see any pictures, just a sign in page in russian, so yes, all gibberish
  15. F

    2nd Grow Just started - Tangerine Dream, P.E., Bubblelicious, Arjans Strawberry Haze

    Hi combat, firstly i'm trying to concentrate but for some reason can't take my eyes off that Good luck on TD, fingers crossed for you, I've had 4 TD's in soak & paper towels for 4 days now, still not cracked, i had buddy of mine who lives in amsterdam go to barneys & buy me 5 fems...
  16. F

    7th try to do this (Journal Record 1/3/2011-current)

    sorry, no i don't like this... i friggin love it, awesome looking girl, great job dude.
  17. F

    Need to slightly reduce fan noise.

    another thought, if you have limited space for carbon filter & are ok with the odor, try some aquarium filter matting & tape that to fan, just an idea.
  18. F

    Need to slightly reduce fan noise.

    attach a small carbon srubber to fan & noise will be gone plus odor control
  19. F

    WTF...... why ME

    have you tried the insulated duct from home depot, the 4" is $25 for 25 feet, its awesome, it also helps muffle the air movement inside duct, less noise, win win.
  20. F

    HPS vs. Fluorescent advice needed.

    hi there, just thought i'd throw my 2 cents in, have you seen these T5's, looked rather interesting.