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  1. F

    are my fans sufficient

    2 x 600watt lights is going to give off a lot of heat, you never mentioned whether you was running 1 or 2 ballasts & where they are housed, lil more info be helpful, also the 4" & 5" intake & exhast but what size are the fans
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    put ebb and flow screen in without pipe tape

    well it can't hurt to run a bead around it, oh btw, regular silicone works just as well fraction of cost, i know people that make fish tanks & only use regular silicone, i ran some inside & outside just to make for sure & never had a problem, better to do it now than after a leak
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    flo .... $14 with shipping
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    flo, i see i got you on a mission, i'm sold on the idea myself, will check walyworld in morning, gonna finish this grow as is with my feed n drib & ebb n flow combo table i got, want to add 1 of these Aerator Pump to my res & have it kick on when pump does, seems like a win win
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    flo you searching ebay, i checked walfarts website but came up emty
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    Defcom's Medical 3x600w in 4x8 GrowLab Flower Tent- Cooler DWC

    hiya defcom, thought this might intrest you, i saw while back how many air stones you were using, take a look at this hope it helps Peace
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    flo i found one, good old ebay, just got to know what to look for i suppose
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    oh heres another real interesting one, check this out, it uses the drain plug on a cooler to run an air line in
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    hahaha flo, that was exelent first time i laughed all day, well actually laughin pretty good, well done flo, quick question, was bored or wasted...or but hey flo, check this out i was doing some research and found this got me hooked &...
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    ok guys this you have to check out, talk about pumping oxygen into the res, this thing looks amazing, especialy if you using a larger res, i tried searching everywhere & can't out much more info, maybe you guys can help, take a look & give me your opinions...
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    cut fan leaves?

    old fella once told me, look, listen & shut up, its suprising what you learn, the funny thing is.... he was absolutely right :peace:
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    depends on strain & whether indica or sativa, as each has different flowering times
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    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    thought i'd share few pics with yall, the 3 smallest are TD, bottom right utopia haze & middle 1 bag seed i wanted to experiment a topping method with, yep got lil nute burn last week but seem to be bouncing back nicely 16 days since cracking, middle one 27 days (i
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    CO2 Pads

    i was going to try the sugar n yeast method but didn't fancy the smell n mess, stealth closet grow & no room for c02 tanks, plus this seemed a whole lot cheaper than tanks & regulators, sometimes we have little choices
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    Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream Ebb & Flow MicroGarden Grow T5 New Wave Lights

    aaahhhh look at them nuggs ....... drools on keyboard
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    2nd Grow Just started - Tangerine Dream, P.E., Bubblelicious, Arjans Strawberry Haze

    psst combat, i want a job where you
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    hi neumann, like your design, i been contemplating a few ideas myself, i was wondering which way to go as far as a water lever indicator, how are you filling it, once it grows into that netting seems like it be awquard to lift the lid,
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    2nd Grow Just started - Tangerine Dream, P.E., Bubblelicious, Arjans Strawberry Haze

    oh yeah combat i forgot to mention i loved the detailing in the pictures, as i got to the last 1 i almost expected to see lil arrows on the ones drying, oh & nice hat closet
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    2nd Grow Just started - Tangerine Dream, P.E., Bubblelicious, Arjans Strawberry Haze

    hi combat, nice lil set-up there, looking good so far, quick question, you mentioned using "4gls of ph'd water" do you ph your water before adding your nutes, & forgive me if i'm wrong, but shouldn't you ph the resevoir after adding nutes