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  1. Cobnobuler

    Expensive seeds

    ...Word there man for sure. Again it clearly depends on where you are. Generally, the bigger the risk, the bigger the money.
  2. Cobnobuler

    Expensive seeds

    This has much to do with geography. I know for a fact that $400 a zip is still happenin in some spots that are a little lean on the truly top shelf stuff. Overpriced ? Sure...but then again, its worth is what one can get for it :)
  3. Cobnobuler

    can i water with neem oil and my nutes?

    CC Very cool sig pic !
  4. Cobnobuler

    First time grower.

    Try to avoid pissin with it too much. Let it be what it is.
  5. Cobnobuler

    ordering seeds

    PM'd this guy and asked him to delete his post regarding a shipping method.
  6. Cobnobuler

    Transplanting Plant Just 1 Month Left

    ....So it looks to me based on this and another thread I see you on that you've rolled up in here to be the new little prick on the block ? Have your fun "newbie", we see your kind come and go here all the time. Yawn````
  7. Cobnobuler


    ...I ran 1 SSH just one time. Came from Attitude but I forget which breeder it was. Anyway, it was the one time I had to nail the damned hoods to the ceiling joists. I couldn't keep that bitch from reaching for the sky.
  8. Cobnobuler

    Harvest time 3 blue dreams 1 UK cheese !

    Damn dude, you should have a hella stash goin on by now man.
  9. Cobnobuler

    Newbie Grower Help ?

    I happen to know for a fact there are quite a few newbies to this site that are giving out very poor advice because they've never finished a grow from start to finish. "Taking a pop at you?" ...Get off your horse and fuck off dude.I've never heard of you nor care anything about you. Does that...
  10. Cobnobuler

    Yellowing leaves on SCROG grow

    I'd like to see a pic of the grow overall as it stands right now. Not just close-up bud shots. I'm curious what this looks like in its space.
  11. Cobnobuler

    Newbie Grower Help ?

    There have no been no better words spoken here in quite some time. Especially lately where it seems theres a handful of people with no experience whatsoever giving out advice to every question thats coming up lately.
  12. Cobnobuler

    can ventilation overcome 71 rh during flowering

    Thats a nice looking crop. Why not just get a dehumidifier to bring it down in a better range. If mine was at 71 % I would have mold issues more than likely.
  13. Cobnobuler

    Is this cal mag and or zinc def?

    Ehhhh, fella those things are stretched something terrible. At some point they were far too far from the light source. You're gonna replant them or something right?
  14. Cobnobuler

    Transplanting Plant Just 1 Month Left

    I dont know for sure why you would want to transplant with only 4 weeks left in the run ? Do you want room for what growth ?
  15. Cobnobuler

    Topping yet?

    Yeah, thats definite.
  16. Cobnobuler

    Herbies Question

    ......Wasn't even Herbies..... WTF
  17. Cobnobuler

    Herbies Question

    Hopefully the OP will return here and tell us that all went as according to Hoyle
  18. Cobnobuler

    Fuck the police

    Now thats a dumb question on every level...... c'mon......
  19. Cobnobuler

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hell ya there man, I don't think it would take even that much When I first started out I got me a bag of that Miracle Gro Blood Meal to provide an N boost. I sprinkled a few tablespoons of that black shit on top and watered it down....and preceded to burn everything all straight to hell. There...
  20. Cobnobuler

    Expensive seeds

    Never used them but in doing a lot of research of providers before I buy, almost everything I've read on them is that they do indeed put out some fire genetics among their wares.