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  1. Katatawnic

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    WARNING: Keeping it green through to harvest, instead of saying, "Your buds are done when the plant 'looks like it's dying' because it is," just might encourage the growth of fat buds and the ability to remove those that are ready while leaving the less matured ones to "cook" longer. :bigjoint...
  2. Katatawnic

    We Are the Other People

    Looking at my (mostly) religious and -uh- "modest" family, you'd think I was adopted. :lol:
  3. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    I just got on the computer for the first time today a few minutes ago, and had an email alert that a tsunami stuck Hawaii due to the Chile 8.8 earthquake. After reading about it, I came straight here to see if you're OK! :hug: I am so relieved to see you've been online since, and are safe and...
  4. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    A koala is sitting up a gumtree smoking a joint when a little lizard walks past, looks up and says, "Hey Koala, what are you doing?" The koala says: "Smoking a joint. Come up and have some." So the little lizard climbs up, sits next to the koala and they enjoy a large doobie. After a while the...
  5. Katatawnic

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    This is not part of the natural growth process. Most "bloom" plant foods are extremely low in N, which is the cause of the leaves yellowing and dying before the plants have completed their growth cycle. Check out the Uncle Ben's gardening tweeks and pointers thread. There's a lot in there about...
  6. Katatawnic

    Nutes on a Budget

    The label says 1/4 tsp. per gallon if feeding with every watering, and 1/2 tsp. per gallon if feeding every other watering. (Indoor growing instructions.) However, Uncle Ben (from whom many of us first heard of Jack's Classic [formally Peter's]) says that's not enough. Here's a quote directly...
  7. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    (Butters) grew tons of autoflower seeds... I don't remember the exact count, but I swear he said it was over 2,000!!! (He freely admitted that he overdid the pollination quite a bit. lol)
  8. Katatawnic

    Clarifying Law on Medical Pot (Another Debate)

    Well, it was a nice try, anyway. :bigjoint:
  9. Katatawnic

    Sex Or Drugs

    Master of your domain, eh Hooked? :lol: ;)
  10. Katatawnic

    Sex Or Drugs

    Had this been asked several years ago, I'd have said drugs.
  11. Katatawnic

    Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    Dream on, Beardo. :roll:
  12. Katatawnic

    Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    See why I rarely seriously join in on these discussions? Voyeurism can be more fun! :hump:
  13. Katatawnic

    Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    I was thinking "Mirror, mirror on the wall," (in the mirror and all), but that magic mirror works just as well. :lol:
  14. Katatawnic

    Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    Must be a magic mirror indeed, for him to be laughing in it. ;)
  15. Katatawnic

    The "Explain your name" thread

    Makes perfect sense! :hump: :lol:
  16. Katatawnic

    My Bullies : How to get revenge?

    Yep! :mrgreen: I take great satisfaction in planning out intricate revenges and just knowing that I could do such-and-such. :evil:
  17. Katatawnic

    The "Explain your name" thread

    :hug: I'll take that as a compliment. :bigjoint:
  18. Katatawnic

    The "Explain your name" thread

    No, catatonic. ;) :lol: (Damn, you're fast! lol)
  19. Katatawnic

    The "Explain your name" thread

    Many people don't think to sound out my username: it's pronounced "catatonic." First email addy I had, and it stuck... it's never taken. :blsmoke: