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  1. Katatawnic

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    Oh, I've been following your grow journal. My hands just keep me from posting as often as I "should" or would like. :lol: You've got sufficient foliage... just gotta keep that photosynthesis thing going so the buds will keep growing. ;) I don't bother with progressive harvests if it's only going...
  2. Katatawnic

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    So long as you have adequate foliage to support your "leftover" branches, you can indeed do a progressive harvest. :hump: Pink text is usually very hard on the eyes, but this is a good color with enough contrast to read easily. :D I can't post to a forum without my "dark orchid" font... it's...
  3. Katatawnic

    Clarifying Law on Medical Pot (Another Debate)

    No worries, Pit... I'm not one of those who expects returned rep. ;)
  4. Katatawnic


    I used to refer to god/dess as "the All" as I've always had a very Hermetic view about the concept. I found it's easier to just say "God" than "the All" when discussing with others; avoids confusion and needing to explain the "Seven Hermetic Principles"... though it shouldn't be difficult to...
  5. Katatawnic


    It indeed is! I thought a belief in God implicitly factored into it. :hump: Interesting...
  6. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    That's FDD's photo, Racer. :lol: ;)
  7. Katatawnic

    Fuckin bullshit ass laws!!!

    WOO HOO HOO! :clap: Congrats! :hug:
  8. Katatawnic

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    Ya got a point there. OK then, guess I wasn't all that silly in the first place. :bigjoint:
  9. Katatawnic

    Clarifying Law on Medical Pot (Another Debate)

    Thanks DST! :hug: There's one more round of number crunching between the lender and the escrow company to be done on paper to make it all neat and tidy, but the loan officer said last night that it's "going through" so all looks good. I'll trust in it 100% when we've got the keys to the house in...
  10. Katatawnic

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    Hmmm... uh... Silent Bob for Prez! :mrgreen: (OK, time to get some coffee and wake up a bit. I'm feeling awfully silly this morning. lol)
  11. Katatawnic

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    Damn! You spoil everything, dontcha? :lol:
  12. Katatawnic

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    Bob Fosse for Prez! :bigjoint:
  13. Katatawnic

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    I knew you and I would agree on something! :lol: ;) Dammit, you blew our cover! :cuss: :mrgreen: iG3VfKlfDEk
  14. Katatawnic

    Starting Your Seeds

    Uh, definitely can't afford a case. :lol: But the Rootmaker doesn't make you buy by the case, so that'll be my next purchase. :hump: Thanks again, CJ! :hug:
  15. Katatawnic


    Guess so! :lol: She's been banned before and returned, though. :neutral:
  16. Katatawnic

    Clarifying Law on Medical Pot (Another Debate)

    Patience is all I've got now. :roll: :lol: It really was upsetting to me that even just topical treatment has been withheld from everyone all this time. It's utter bullshit, pure and simple. Had I known about using MMJ topically several years ago, I would've been able to put off retiring much...
  17. Katatawnic

    Orange Mass Lollipop comparison

    Oh, I highly doubt there'll be any thread created by me... when I said I suck at keeping journals updated, I wasn't kidding. :lol: After doing two grow journals, I decided to retire that end of growing. :mrgreen:
  18. Katatawnic

    Clarifying Law on Medical Pot (Another Debate)

    Wow, for some reason I didn't receive updates informing me that this thread had more responses, till this afternoon! :lol: The amount of people that suffer needlessly is unreal. The good fight we've been fighting for medical and recreational use looks to finally be noticeably paying off, and...
  19. Katatawnic


    Woodstock? :mrgreen: Happy to oblige. :lol:
  20. Katatawnic

    Orange Mass Lollipop comparison

    Too bad about the male! :( The only way to do a comparison grow and have reliable results, anyhow, is to use clones from the same mother... meaning, of course, that you'll already know the sex. ;) I was all revved up to see a "to lollipop or not to lollipop" comparison grow here... now...