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  1. Katatawnic

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    Always livens up when you arrive, Stoney! :lol:
  2. Katatawnic

    The Best N-P-K

    Indeed! :shock: I want to know how much this recipe costs... or maybe I don't. :lol:
  3. Katatawnic

    Fuckin bullshit ass laws!!!

    You mean we don't have to actually say, "La la la, I'm not talking to you?" :lol:
  4. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    LOL! :clap: Thanks, that was my first giggle of the day! :hump:
  5. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    Clinton was the only one who thought he was actually being evasive. :lol:
  6. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    The Democrats weren't the ones that went after Clinton; you got that one bassackwards. ;) I wouldn't put it past either side, though. Hypocrisy abound everywhere we go.
  7. Katatawnic

    Cali medical question

    Before the limits were stricken by the courts, you needed your doctor's recommendation to state you needed more than your county's limit. Now there is NO limit... it was deemed unconstitutional. :mrgreen...
  8. Katatawnic

    Cali medical question

    The lawyer you saw today isn't aware that the limits have been stricken for CA MMJ patients/caregivers.
  9. Katatawnic

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    To be fair, your initial post did come off as more of that negative stuff. However, you've since clarified, so it's all good. When poking fun, it's always helpful to readers when smilies like ;) or :lol: or :mrgreen: are used, to help replace the lack of body language and voice inflections when...
  10. Katatawnic

    Laceygirls Grow

    No kidding! :lol: I didn't do that either. Then again, some of us don't feel like we're in a "contest" of sorts. ;) Hey girl, you've been missed! :hug:
  11. Katatawnic

    Liberty > Security

    Sergeants are NCOs. You say you served in the military, as well as pretty much your entire family. Why, then, would you refer to sergeants and NCOs as two completely different entities? Little "slips" like this can be nothing more, but it leaves questions in its wake. Before accusing me of...
  12. Katatawnic

    cannabutter crockpot issue HELP

    No worries, GQ... the crock pot doesn't get near 350 on warm/low. It rarely reaches even a very gentle boil, and even then that only occurs if I were to leave it on for hours without ever lifting the lid. Keep in mind that a crock pot is designed to cook foods very slowly, over the period of...
  13. Katatawnic

    Liberty > Security

    You need to know what's going on before you claim to know what's going on. Chain of command is still chain of command, orders and oaths are still orders and oaths. And missions are missions, and once ordered to a mission, the orders for that operation are just as "secret" for reserves as they...
  14. Katatawnic

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    What can I say? I was the son my dad never had, and according to my mom the most feminine tomboy she'd ever seen. :lol: I heard they deliberated her "mid-term resignation" severance package before she signed anything. :mrgreen:
  15. Katatawnic

    Cannaoil. (PLEASE HELP)

    Unfortunately, Mike, I've seen so many different numbers for temps, I couldn't tell you which are the "right" ones. :( All I know is I've never had burns when making it in the crock pot on the "low" or even the "keep warm" setting. There are several threads here on RIU that give the temps they...
  16. Katatawnic

    Liberty > Security

    I called him on what he claimed. Nothing more, nothing less. Call it an "attack" if you will; I call bullshit when I see it, just as you and countless others here do. I added a sarcastic remark, inquiring about said "martial law" preparations and his knowledge of chain of command, etc., but...
  17. Katatawnic

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    You clap in celebration for what would screw you just as much as anyone else. Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. :roll: Now? :confused: When will the rhetorical questions end?! It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it! :lol:
  18. Katatawnic

    Liberty > Security

    Thanks for that, Ginja! :D I've been up since 6:30am yesterday, and I got too tired to keep searching. :lol: Now that I can see it in its full glory, I can safely state that was a very stupid thing for Clinton to have said... and that's my understatement for the day. ;)
  19. Katatawnic

    Liberty > Security

    I call bullshit. You either made this up, or you have a very wild imagination (read: severe paranoia). Sergeants are not privy to conspiracy meetings, and aren't given the opportunity to withhold such information from civilians during casual conversation. Where was this martial law for which...
  20. Katatawnic

    what to do with all that trim

    I thought I was unlucky with the edibles too, till I first brewed my own cooking oil last year. :mrgreen: I've had my praises sung to me ever since. :eyesmoke: :lol: