People are used to summing up amperage for circuits. Me thinx this is why people do this. Light is energy. Electricity is energy. Light is not electricity. Electricity is not light. Oh my Newton!!! Where's bill nye?
Who says!? Physics and Botanists everywhere. And why use several points of light? To evenly distribute those 5,000 lumens around the plant instead of JUST at the top. AGAIN, lumens don't stack. Even if you want them to. And whoever told you a 500 watt HPS or MH only throws 3 to 4K lumens lied to...
They do NOT stack. If this theory held any weight, auto makers would put 3 standard headlights in a beam, instead of engineering a HID lamp. Light towers would run on LED's, Etc. Lumens at the bulb bleed off as required by inverse square law. They are not "Carried" nor "Boosted" by other lumens...
If a 1000watt HPS throws 100,000 lumens, then 3 1000watt HPS's throw 300,000 lumens, right? Or Wrong!? And intensity is the same according to his theory that lumens stack. Intensity and lumens are measured at the center of the tube. A CFL is a long twisted tube. So I was trying to explain that...
No, lumens don't stack. Silly Billies! HID bulbs offer INTENSITY, nothing else. I have used CFL's to grow. The confusion is beam direction. 2 CFL's will work better because 2 sides of the plant are receiving light instead of one. Using more bulbs covers more area, but does not increase...
Step 1: Inform wifey you are working on a surprise.
Step 2: Gather materials to make TWO rooms.
Step 3: Construct the grow room, and use an adjoining wall to build another room.
Step 4: In the second room, hang dry wall and throw a couple 120v plugs in.
Step 5: Show wifey HER new room right...
(Crouches over clone and cups leaves toward mouth) "Don't you die on me!" (Beats medium gently) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0..."Don't go towards the light!" (Breath,Breath) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0...
I have 3 kids in my house, so I'm a little on the safe side. UUUUUmmmmm....Your light is balanced on your fans which vibrate and I saw bare wire on a couple of those sockets. Can we say FIRE? I would build a stand for the light and grab some new sockets. Just some friendly advice from a worrying...
Just got a call from my sister. Not sure why I'm posting on RUI, but need to tell something/someone. My sister went in for an MRI because of increased seizures (She's always been epileptic), and a "Growth" was found embedded in her anterior lobe on the right side. The doctor says come back in 6...
How am I wrong!? You just re-iterated my point!!!
I concur! Bad move! Unless you're a practicing lawyer with 10+ years under your belt.
True. Typically the angle of the prosecution is OUTSIDE the court room. Motions going unanswered by over burdened PD's is usually the course of action. If...