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  1. afrawfraw

    Beware of Noob Answers!!!

    The best Nitrogen source is Human urine! The best source of Cal-Mag is Egg shells! Use a flea collar at the base of the plant to control infection. Inject NPK into the main stem! That feels good. Thank you.
  2. afrawfraw

    Finally...I'm gonna do it right..well..As right as space permits.

    ya, Me thinx he meant pyrethrum spray as well. If you use einstein, Pick up a paint brush. Yes, a paint brush. Don't try spraying soup on the plants. "Paint" the stems and nodes, and fan leaves with infections. Very light coating. Also, I have heard of gassing them by putting the plant in a...
  3. afrawfraw

    Finally...I'm gonna do it right..well..As right as space permits.

    Laughed hard at the first few posts. Just so you know, I've sat on a 2 year cannabis plant. They can theoretically be vegetatively grown forever. I have to say, I would have ditched the plants, so kudo's for hanging in there. My advice is keep your mouth shut to your friends about it, and don't...
  4. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Yes, I meant in relation to the plant, not the rock. Oopsy, I forget details a lot. Sorry.
  5. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Umm, regardless of where the light is coming from, it must start on a horizon, and end on one, even if it's the same horizon! While the sun is climbing in the sky, it is sidelighting. When your shadow is exactly beneath you, the sun is lighting from the top. Right? You forgot to grab a...
  6. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Either it's a fast growing strain, that takes no shit. (Organic nutrients not recommended, lol) Or you get jacked by an OG Hells Angel...LOL!
  7. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    That's intensity and duration, not light travel angle. :| The sun is a single point of light, being cast on a sphere. There will always be more light on the sides of the plant because the plants are at an angle the majority of daylight hours. If this were not true, shadows wouldn't be present...
  8. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I have arthritis as well. Fuck EVERYTHING ELSE! Buy a box fan with a metal cage. Depending on the design, you may either need to recess or cut and remount the BACK of the fan. (Where the air gets sucked up.) Then mount little key hooks every 2" which will hold your NEW lawn mower bag. After you...
  9. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    MJAddington, I like your work. By themselves they are awesome. Please take this constructively...I would not rely on hair and make up alone to alter appearance. I noticed all the girls have the same face. Still great work. If this woman is your wife, then never mind, and I hate you!
  10. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    We all agree that mother nature uses side light way more than direct overhead light, right?
  11. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    A nice store in the PDX area besides Cascade Horticulture?
  12. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Just had a conversation with a guy at Indoor Garden Depot. :roll: Umm, in nature the majority of sunlight comes from directly above? I was shocked to hear him say that he thought so. I was also informed if I'm a regular, they will give me a 20% discount. OOOOOO, can I?
  13. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Sounds like my first time! Or, That's what she said!
  14. afrawfraw

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Buchnera aphidicola is a bacteria transmitted from mommy aphid to baby aphid. This bacteria supplies the aphid with the amino acids REQUIRED to feed. These two species CAN NOT live without each other. Destroy the bacteria, destroy the aphid. A simple antibiotic inoculation will sterilize the...
  15. afrawfraw

    How long for Flowering Clone....

    My advice would be to keep a Mother from seed. I've noticed that with every strain, after c6 or so, they start to get smaller, less productive. Just my experience. if you take C1 clones from a mature plant from seed, the genetics are much more stable through the year.
  16. afrawfraw

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Thank you guys! I'm rolling with the open bulbs. RH may suffer, seeing how I'll need a constant air flow, but the harvest makes up for it because of more light. Besides, MH always gave me more frost than RH anyways :mrgreen:
  17. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    One of my favorite videos. "Don't worry ma'am, we're professionals!" PfVZjbyzFGQ Fast forward to :35 seconds!
  18. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Well, mine is 10X11. I measured again to be sure. I am doing 1 MH from above, one 600 hps inside the circle of 12 plants, and a 600 hps on each wall. This way, every plant side is within a foot or two of a lamp. :fire:
  19. afrawfraw

    Portland Oregon. The Time is Now. Cannabliss. The New Standard is Set!

    I promise to only hate the greedy ones. :lol: At least there is a cannabis cafe on 82nd that does NOT sell medicine, but is just a hang out. (The speak easy is upstairs, complete with color coded super secret cards) This is cool. A safe place to medicate away from home is sometimes a small...
  20. afrawfraw

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Perhaps the OP can answer a question I keep getting mixed answers about. I am turning a 10X11X7 bedroom into a flower room. If I use 5 vertical 600's and 1 MH 1000, can I run them bare bulb if I have adequate ventilation? My intake air is in the 40's-50's, and my exhaust fan is 880cfm...Some say...