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  1. P1ants

    Naughty Thread 2.0 - You think?

    Clickbait thread full of virgins rofl
  2. P1ants

    Harvest Day Songs!

    Rofl devil went to Jamaica funny af
  3. P1ants

    Harvest Day Songs!

    What are your favorite songs to blaze/ trim to on harvest day?
  4. P1ants

    Floralicious Plus, Should I use it?

    Did you get beat up in school alot by any chance? lol
  5. P1ants

    running 2 1000 watts on one timer?

    This is pretty obvious bro, you need to read up on the max watts allowed before just pushing 2k through the fucking thing... Also extensions cords play a role as stated above.
  6. P1ants

    Floralicious Plus, Should I use it?

    Fuck jesus christ and the christian community rofl sorry man.
  7. P1ants

    Floralicious Plus, Should I use it?

    I asked a question not told you to fuck yourself? lol you seem wound hella tight... Chill out man
  8. P1ants

    Floralicious Plus, Should I use it?

    May I ask why you bought it then? lol
  9. P1ants

    Anyone know what this could be?

    This appears to be heat stress/ Nute burn combo.
  10. P1ants

    Flooded plants

    Yeah go ahead and bring it in, watch the weather network for the next sign of a somewhat clear week and stick her back out.
  11. P1ants

    P1ants first Grow Journal (Auto)

    Update: Decided to make the room a bit smaller by dragging this old mirror thing a couple feet out from the wall. Also put up as much Mylar as I could and added the wing reflector to the cooltube to concentrate the light a bit more. Things seem to be going well and the plants are starting to...
  12. P1ants

    Netflix Recommendations?

    Wilfred! The story of a manic depressive man who inexplicably is the only one who can see his neighbor's dog as a full grown man in a dog suit. They constantly get baked and go on awesome adventures overall just hilarious show and definitely good to watch super baked :leaf:
  13. P1ants

    is there were the sex will show

    No not at all, but a plant isn't going to start throwing out pre flowers unless it switches to its 12/12 cycle... A veg plant will never have pre-flowers making what this dude saying impossible unless they were autos as stated, auto's flower on their own time regardless of light cycles.
  14. P1ants

    is this a herm

    100% Herm tough luck bud. on the other hand let it finish and you'll have some quality (most likely) feminized seeds!
  15. P1ants

    Not sure what's going on

    There is no pic bro lol
  16. P1ants

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Awesome man, and yeah they really should my have showed some signs of speeding up in the past day... mind you not as much as I would like them to but I just fed them and hope that nitrogen kickstarts their production :P
  17. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    10/10 would bang your wife ROFL
  18. P1ants

    P1ants first Grow Journal (Auto)

    Yeah I noticed day 15 and these little girls aren't really reaching for the sky or anything so i figured I better do it now and hope they take off :P
  19. P1ants

    P1ants first Grow Journal (Auto)

    Yeah those are 2 gallon pots which they will probably live until they are done, the bigger ones are 5 gallon and then a coupe random window planters I found to make up for the extra seeds. They will obviously stay a bit smaller but that's fine just tired of buying weed all the damn time for...
  20. P1ants

    Is she done or is there something wrong?

    I do at least put her into darkness for 48 hours to swell even more!