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  1. P1ants

    Is she done or is there something wrong?

    Only way to truly tell if she is done is looking at her with a loupe and determining if a good ratio of the trichs are cloudy and amber. I'd say she certainly looks done though.... quite beautiful as well!
  2. P1ants

    is it dying?

    Definitely nute burn, flush her out for a while.
  3. P1ants

    My first time grow

    Trich porn <3 Looks really good man! awesome job pretty close too huh?
  4. P1ants

    NOOBS! include a picture!!! or we won't help!

    Vouch 10/10 would bang this thread. You guys have made like 20 in the past 5 minutes :P pictures really are helpful...
  5. P1ants

    PLEASE make your shatter OUTSIDE.

    Man this kind of shit is why I remain oldschool and make bubble hash ;) Water isn't going to blow your goddamn house up lol
  6. P1ants

    will she recover?

    Can you upload a pic maybe? it would be nice to see exactly how she's doing.
  7. P1ants

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Hey hows it going man? Glad to see someone else is just starting an Auto journal as well! We also have one of the same problems, I was pretty careless in the beginning with these had to transplant and also switch the cycle from 24 hours to 20. Mine are 15 days old and the exact same size as...
  8. P1ants

    overwatered maybe?? PLEASE HELP!

    I have never used hydro either but I can certainly tell you this shows all signs of over watering..
  9. P1ants

    P1ants first Grow Journal (Auto)

    Update: Transplanted all of them to their assigned pots last night, all have taken well and shown new growth since!
  10. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    Well definitely keep us updated man lol weirdest shit I have ever heard :P
  11. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    If it finishes make sure you smoke some! what strain is that plant?
  12. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    Well than this doesn't seem to be a genetic mutation and something is literally making your plants grow extra leaves? lol dafuq????? I'm really curious to see if anyone else has ever seen this before!
  13. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    Hmmm that's honestly quite strange.... is it coming from new growth or literally just appearing on already formed fan leaves?
  14. P1ants

    help I have many mutant leafs

    Lol i remember these from earlier.... Honestly I mean there's obviously no way to get rid of them so your going to have to wait it out, not much anyone can help with.Try and think of it as you have unique plants and may be super dank, if its on one plant that would be the plant I'd keep for my...
  15. P1ants

    P1ants first Grow Journal (Auto)

    Hey guys just thought I would start a grow journal up. I am currently doing 16 autoflower plants, 5 of them being mcdanzigs Sour Spyder and the other 12 Lowryder #2. 6 of the plants are 14 days old while the other 10 were born/sprouted yesterday. I am using organic nutrients but have not began...
  16. P1ants

    Should I keep with the LST or should I scrog her?

    Yeah or even depending on how much space you have veg her longer and get a bigger yield, mine as well fill the space you have.
  17. P1ants

    Should I keep with the LST or should I scrog her?

    Yeah man definitely leave her the way she is.... She's doing quite well and looks very good!
  18. P1ants

    is there were the sex will show

    Unless they are autos thats BS and even then seems unlikely, the only true way to tell is once they are in flower 12/12
  19. P1ants

    Help!!! Might went too far with LST

    Wow your a little arrogant fuck aren't you? next time you have a problem and need our help I doubt anyone will assist. Be more polite to these people they are taking time out of their day and energy that could be used to further their own crop to assist yours.
  20. P1ants

    Where to start???

    ^ agree'd although if you want a high success rate for your seeds you should germ them first... I use the paper towel method and have had 16/17 pop this week!