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  1. Cobnobuler

    Why do some buds have no smell? (Tea smell)

    ...Did you use molasses during your grow ? I ask because that happened to me when I fell for that crap that plants needed it. I never used it again
  2. Cobnobuler

    Is it possible for a hermie seed to produce a 100% female plant?

    ....From someone who has grown a very nice female with no hermie trait showing from a seed of a hermied plant, all the words mean nothing when compared to seeing is believing. I would not have known the true answer myself....until I did it. Now it doesnt matter what anybody says about it.
  3. Cobnobuler

    Getting Back In

    Be your own man wherever you are, or whatever you do.
  4. Cobnobuler

    Is it possible for a hermie seed to produce a 100% female plant?

    I know its possible because I've done it before. They may have a higher likelihood to eventually hermie but its also possible that it wont.
  5. Cobnobuler

    My First Indoor Harvest!

    Ah yeah, you're hooked on growing now. I can tell. Your in. Congrats on your harvest there.
  6. Cobnobuler

    Harvest night - Pure joy, or hidden sadness?

    Well, you know what they say about curing that separation anxiety ? .....and it starts all over again. :)
  7. Cobnobuler

    PH Meter problems

    I've been where your at. Kinda takes the fun out of it doesn't it ? Fuck them PH meters. ....then its back to being fun again. problem solved.
  8. Cobnobuler

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    ....Indeed it does~~~
  9. Cobnobuler

    Dee Gee for potted plants?

    ....Thats not what he said. But what he DID say is true. DG has traces of Radon gas in it. Perlite is a MUCH better choice.
  10. Cobnobuler

    Thinkin' about using tap water (dechlorinated). discuss...

    I've always used nothing but tap water with no problem. I do fill up gallon jugs with pin holes in the top and let them sit around the room.
  11. Cobnobuler

    two big plants or more smaller plants

    I do too... I can grow ( some might even debate that ) but damn them clones. I think I finally got 3 out of 8 to survive this time. I used cloning gel and rockwool. The cloning gel did nothing for them. The ones that survived grew roots above the gel for cryin out loud ! They look nothing like...
  12. Cobnobuler

    DINAFEM critical+ and Fruity chronic juice.

    ....Oh you more than show your credibility bro...nice work, as always C
  13. Cobnobuler

    my kinda organic/lazymans grow. whats your opinion?

    You'll most certainly reap what you sow.
  14. Cobnobuler

    Who's been busted, and why?

    Thats another critically important piece of advice. Cool story DZ...sort of... you know what I mean
  15. Cobnobuler

    24/0 vs. 18/6 debate is over!!!!

    Yeah this threads 4 years old......The debate is much older than that.
  16. Cobnobuler

    I have a grow going under 2 400 watt hps

    Love the Blue Dream. Do you have a little windburn going on there bro ?
  17. Cobnobuler

    Who's been busted, and why?

    This should be emblazoned across the top of every weed forum everywhere. You have near zero chance of getting busted when the only one thats knows what you do ! If you tell even one person, you've lost control of your own fate and put it in somebody elses hands.
  18. Cobnobuler

    I have a grow going under 2 400 watt hps

    I run 2- 400's all the time. I use a few CFL's for a little bit of side lighting as well. My yields have been slowly increasing depending on strain of course. I've been pulling lately nothing less than 80G per each plant. Your growing experience will figure into that as well. Jondamon above...
  19. Cobnobuler

    roots out of bottom 5 gallon smart pots??

    Nothing to freak about. It happens. You must have a healthy root system going on. I've used them a couple of times now and have yet to have that happen.