Search results

  1. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 Citizen 1825 90 CRI

    Well, bushwhacked one male... Hanging out to dry and will probably make it into an herbal tea blend. The other one is indeed also male. Gunna see about castrating all the balls (lol) and pruning out the other branches and leave one side branch to flower but wrap a plastic bag over it with...
  2. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 Citizen 1825 90 CRI

    So I've been thinking, if the two I believe could be male, actually are males, I may try and keep one to make some seeds. I'm out of town until tomorrow or Monday and won't be able to check until then. But if so, I'm wondering if instead of going through the whole hassle of building an isolation...
  3. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 CLU1825 grow

    Now I feel bad that I wasn't initially able to get that side-by-side running this time @robincnn ... Will be cool to see from you though @NapalmD !
  4. Aruanda

    exotic genetix

    Hey, I'm curious, probably a long shot but never hurts to ask. Has anyone grown out Spirit in the Sky? I'd really like to get some of those seeds from Exotic, but they appear to be discontinued. If anyone has em and/or could tell me where I could get some, would be really grateful. Also, is...
  5. Aruanda

    2nd Grow - Exotic Genetics Citrus Berry, Organic, Mainlined, 300W CXB3590

    Lol! Yeah my wife would be pissed to. She already gets jealous that I spend so much time with the plants, giving them attention, studying up on different things for their care, etc. I'm going thru that Exotic Genetix thread. May inquire about Spirit in the Sky. Let me know if you run the...
  6. Aruanda

    2nd Grow - Exotic Genetics Citrus Berry, Organic, Mainlined, 300W CXB3590

    Cherry Cream Pie, Cookies and Cream and Meltdown (freebie). I really liked the Kimbo Kush when I had it out in Oregon. Wanted to get some, and the Black Mamba looks good. Also really want to find Spirit in the Sky, but looks like it's been discontinued. Only if I could find someone with it who...
  7. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    Well, again, I think I may be dragging on a topic that maybe should be taken to another thread as its not related to the one at hand. Or at least, that's as much as I'd like to say/ask about that, lol.
  8. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 CLU1825 grow

    I wonder if SIP (sub-irrigation pots)/ wicking beds would work well with a coconut medium? I have a pre-fab one that works great for my vegetable patch.
  9. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    By that merit then Epsom salt is a 'naturally occurring' salt/mineral. Though not sure how mass production happens...
  10. Aruanda

    2nd Grow - Exotic Genetics Citrus Berry, Organic, Mainlined, 300W CXB3590

    You got a log going here? @slow_grow I'm following your thread too. I have some exotic seeds but haven't gotten to a place where I'd like to pop them. Will be cool to see this grow come along. Also for the fact you are running COBs
  11. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    Lol, maybe some people are taking this a bit too seriously/literal
  12. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    Ah I see... Interesting. Thanks
  13. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    @robincnn Mammoth P looks like a great product. I'm sure it's expensive. But is it sustainable to be buying those bottles all the time? If I can't produce it locally, is it really worth it? It would be great if they open sourced how it's made if not requiring major lab equipment. There will...
  14. Aruanda

    DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

    I just used some Epsom salt (3tbsp) in my top dressing. It's naturally occurring so I guess it's possibly organic? Urine is also a great fertilizer (when diluted and from a healthy individual, with preference for one with an organic diet). It contains salts, I'd say it's also organic. Epsom...
  15. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 CLU1825 grow

    I dunno, I only used some once (3% solution/2tbsp to 1gal water). This was mainly because I was concerned with overwatering and root rot. But I don't think it's actually necessary for me to continue now. I have a better sense of dry pot weight vs. wet weight and they are drying out more quickly...
  16. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 Citizen 1825 90 CRI

    So it may appear that I actually have 2 male plants. They seem to have more round ball pre flowers while the rest have all shown some degree of pistil hairs, even quite small. The ones that are quite possibly male are: first row, left; second row, middle. The supposed male in the back...
  17. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 CLU1825 grow

    Were you feeding any microbial life? And what % H2O2 were you using? I've used a few tbsp of 3% with every third pure watering just as a precaution. But I also supplement with EWC, LAB, & Myco to feed the soil and boost microbial life. Wondering if a weak solution like that is beneficial or not...
  18. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 CLU1825 grow

    Beautiful buds! The Blackdog Kush has a really nice color. Great job, even with the issues. Look forward to your next cycle with the light, that is to say if you decide to post here...
  19. Aruanda

    Northern Grow Lights Photon 180 Citizen 1825 90 CRI

    [Update] - Last night I prepared a top dressing of 3-4L of worm castings with 5tbsp bone meal, 4-5tbsp powdered oyster shells, 2tbsp epsom salt and 2tbsp Roots Organic Uprising Grow. I then watered it in with 4L unfiltered, dechlorinated tap water, and a rather inexact amount of BioBizz...
  20. Aruanda

    Harvesting Aloe Vera

    It makes much more sense to cultivate it than buy aloe products imo. It's fresh and when used immediately the active compounds and benefits are all there and not lost. You save money and don't create waste and it's a fairly low maintenance plant. Also, when mine was in a smaller pot it got too...