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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Sacrificing goats...

    My right testicle still hurts... I think she was seriously trying to do me harm...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    The Torrents Thread

    I use Vuze and download most of my entertainment from
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Sacrificing goats...

    There are no local mosques
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Sacrificing goats...

    Yes I have balls... I do happen to be a man... and my balls also happen to be swollen thanks to my goats... and I'm still feeling sick... It's worse than being kicked in the nuts...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Sacrificing goats...

    Almost sacrificed a goat today... I came to realization that if there is a god he gave goats horns just to watch me get spiked in the balls 20 odd times by them today as I was untangling them from the mess they got themselves in to... I feel sick... Arsehole goats...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Why should I respect your beliefs?

    It's funny tho that in the bible god says he likes people that are either for or against him and it's the middle of the road people that he can't stand... It's somewhere in revelations...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    is weed a sexual enhancer?

    I'd get out the stop watch, slap that and time how long it takes to stop jiggling...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    See the Great Pyramids while they are still here. Call to destroy the Pyramids begin

    The same sort of world that lets religious people win elections...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Not really... The only people that can hurt me are the ones I let get close...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    See the Great Pyramids while they are still here. Call to destroy the Pyramids begin

    and it's okay to force marriage, kill adulteresses, have sex with 9 year olds etc...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I keep my friends at a great distance and I got rid of all my enemies...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Do you consider an internship real work?

    This sort of thing can really help to set you up for the future as has already been mentioned... If it is something that you are passionate about then don't think of it as work, think of it simply as a way to gain experience in something you enjoy... These sort of things can also let you find...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    is weed a sexual enhancer?

    Yeah long distance relationships don't work for me... Not only do I have serious trust issues I also require physical intimacy in a relationship...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    He could just close his eyes and jab her up the poop chute until he;s about to bust and then slip it in the other whole...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I'm not even religious and I assume there is a deity... I can't seem to quite wrap my head around the universe without there being one or many...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    And you know why Catholicism has all those saints don't you..? it is because the people the church were trying to convert always had female and multiple gods to pray to...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    If and I mean it as a big if... If god came to earth in human form then of course he would choose what is right by him and seeing as god through most of the bible can do no wrong and whatever god does is just and right, by default anything Jesus did would be the right course of action... and...
  18. Shannon Alexander

    is weed a sexual enhancer?

    Yeah... Especially when you were a slacker through all your younger years then you get a job, get a medical condition and lose your job... The shit that your family gives you... all I can say is wow...