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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Is mankind more intelligent Today than ever before?

    The Egyptians did have slaves, there are records of it... and the pyramids weren't built with telekinesis... they were built with hard labour...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    How did he know this back in 1965

    "The cosmos comprehends subtle destiny" "Nature reflects deep success"
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Did you know...

    and if one person once had a genetic mutation then who is to say that all the blue eyed people can be tied back to one individual..? what if some of the others have come from other people that have had genetic mutations..?
  4. Shannon Alexander

    How are we here..?

    I'm not totally sure as all the bibles I have ever read were altered by man to remove certain aspects of the text...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Galactic Alignment

    But people have known about the mayan calendar for many years... I knew about it when I was in highschool...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Galactic Alignment

    The whole galactic alignment thing sounds like pure crazy talk... I haven't heard anything about aligning stars meaning diddly squat outside of astrology which is again... pure crazy talk
  7. Shannon Alexander

    How are we here..?

    Tried to follow the link but for whatever reason it wont load in my browser...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    How did he know this back in 1965

    You played the clip while joining the masons..?
  9. Shannon Alexander

    How are we here..?

    The god of the bible was not called god... and neither were any of the gods that came before that particular one...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    I'd rather kill a fetus than have a woman carry a child to full term that is not wanted, there are already too many orphans, adopt a little bastard in need instead of bringing more unnecessary people in to the world...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    The Torrents Thread

    Is btjunkie still up..? it went down many months ago and everyone was saying it was shut down
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    Alcohol is great tho... Abuse of it is not...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I have seen lots of people that I would say are truly white...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    Similar method, different body part...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    Where do you find the stats on female assisted deaths..?
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    Yes I have... Him and many of the worlds favourite religious characters... I'm not a fan of any of them...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    Sacrificing goats...

    Skull fucked by a goat... Wow...
  18. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    And have you done your research on the Dalai Lama..?