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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I could probably pick up a couple bags of caps in a month or two... but I wouldn't know who to off load them to up here... I don't exactly hang out with that crowd... anymore...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    Are you retarded..?
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I'm already too old for the naive young ones around my way... unless I had a flash car... then I wouldn't be too old... But as it is... 26 is old round here...
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    You understand about their ideals..?
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I understand that, but a lot of the shit on there you couldn't ask a loving partner to do... you've gotta find the specialty niche freaks...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    3... the problem is the pages of unfulfilled fantasies get longer as time goes by... But I'm only 26... still got a lot of living to do...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    You know what a white supremacist is..? yes..?
  8. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I've got a list at least 2 pages long that still needs to be done...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    How can you not know the answer to that K... You're not retarded...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    A black supremacist to me is a complete fucking arsehole...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I personally can't stand the tramp stamp, it's hard to find anything that I woman can do to herself that is trashier than the tramp stamp when they have no other tattoos... and I fuck like a pornstar and expect the women I'm with to do the same... Don't lump me in with you performance wise...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    What about black supremacists..? they get a free ride in your book..?
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Gay marriage?

    Especially with astroglyde...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    If only that were true... I wish I didn't have to trawl the interwebs for weeks before finding something kinda like what I'm after nowadays...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    How else are you supposed to download your favourite "Adult Film Stars"..?
  16. Shannon Alexander

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    A firm back hand maybe...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    And a lot of people are hard wired to not give two shits about other peoples children, only their own... and that is perfectly understandable as isn't it more important genetically for your own offspring to survive and not someone elses..?
  18. Shannon Alexander

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    I wasn't talking about this particular instance of domestic abuse... so please don't take what I said out of context... I was just talking about the statement of a woman never deserves to be beaten...
  19. Shannon Alexander

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    Not doing anything in that situation doesn't exactly make you a horrible person, it just makes you a person... Everybody likes to talk a big game about how they would act in a given situation, and most of the time it's just false bravado...
  20. Shannon Alexander

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    So what if the woman had have told her man that she was going to go and throw their baby under the next car that comes along because she couldn't deal with the baby anymore..? If she was about to commit infanticide would your opinion on a woman never deserving to be beaten change..?