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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Your dick on the internet

    Yeah my dick is out and about on the internets... It's wider through the middle of the shaft... You guys may or may not have seen it before...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    Ayo Finshaggs

    Ayo Finshaggs...
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Any recommendation on Sannies gear?

    I'm in the process of convincing Sannies to ship me a package to Australia... Apparently we have the worst customs in the world for nabbing packages... so they stopped sending them down here... :(
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I meant Lemon Skunk... not Kush... Skunk... I'm going to stop drinking one of these days...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Ayo Finshaggs

    Hit me up with a PM mate... I've got a question for you...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    I do have to agree that their beats mostly aren't as good as they used to be... The Tempest is the last album of ICP's that I really like...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    ICP still put out some interesting songs... just gotta look past the fact that they are are ignorant white trash... which is apparent in so many of their older songs you can't seriously say that the Miracles song is the straw that broke the camels back...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I needed to empty out my seed collection anyway... no use in having a bean if you aren't going to crack it, and I may just find my new favourite smoke... And I have to have a serious crack at cloning this year to... I'm so excited about this years main grow...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    One day, you're going to die. How do you feel about it?

    I can't imagine what it must be like to be afraid of dying...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I have also throw in 15 Swiss Cheese seeds, 4 Mozambique Poisons plus 10 KC-45's that I'm going to put out bush somewhere... and doubled the amount of HBD seeds I'm germing...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    2 wrongs don't make a right... Why stoop down to such a low level..?
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    When the videos were taken it was under an agreement to keep them private...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    In my private collection... Where it is going to stay... I have some degree of morals...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    No worries Heph... It's paddie that was threatening a thread jacking in here...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Top 10 auto flower strains

    Check out Short Stuff Seeds... they have a couple of their strains at least that you can order as regular beans...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Videos of my ex...

    Heph you pimp motherfucker you...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I've got 80 Hollands Hope seeds germinating, about to start on 30 odd Himalya Blue Diesels, 1 DNA Lemon Kush, 1 Strawberry D-lite and a Dinafem Blue Hash Just ordered Cannabiogens - Peyote Purple and KC Brains - Leda Uno... and I'll also be cracking my Sandstorms that I never got around to...
  18. Shannon Alexander

    Who are your favorite actors?

    I don't agree with Actresses being called Actors...
  19. Shannon Alexander

    Wavy Gravy, Brainfreeze & Peyote Purple FLOWERING (PICS)

    What weight did you get from the Peyote mate..? I'm ordering some myself as I write this... I meant to last season but didn't get around to it...
  20. Shannon Alexander

    Urgent !! Need Someone That Knows The Laws To Answer This Question Please

    That sucks mate... I had to remove a sizable (for me) outdoor grow last season... Shit hurts....