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  1. darkdestruction420

    super soil shelf life

    others may have a similar question and this thread may help them in the future?
  2. darkdestruction420

    First time cloning?

    the plastic helps support the clone and keep it upright.
  3. darkdestruction420

    First time cloning?

    also, i should mention after about week 5 of flower the success rate trying to water clone them really seems to fall for me.
  4. darkdestruction420

    First time cloning?

    indeed, cloning is easy. in fact most people make cloning alot harder than they need to. i'll grab a link to a killer tutorial on hassle free cloning, no misting, humidity domes or worrying about the cloning medium dampness or rooting powder/gel . cloning from flowering plants does have its...
  5. darkdestruction420

    First Time Flowering

    should of kept lighting 1-2 inches during veg or as close as possible if heats a problem, anything over 3 inches wastes the vast majority of the light from little cfl bulbs and it would be best to figure out a way to get the heat down enough to get them that close.
  6. darkdestruction420

    First Time Flowering

    how far away are the lights from the plants? they look a bit stretched.
  7. darkdestruction420

    What do you mix your WEED with?

    why does it cost so much in the uk? i would think since they have looser cannabis laws than america(or is that just myth?) that it would be cheaper.
  8. darkdestruction420

    All for the small things in life

    honey and milk handwash ???
  9. darkdestruction420

    What do you mix your WEED with?

    high horse? you are the one who said we are all overconsumers and then said cannabutter making is risky. i pointed out that the main reason we do not mix weed and tobacco is we dont like it and that making cannabutter is quite simple so isnt some great careless risk. then i added a point that...
  10. darkdestruction420

    What do you mix your WEED with?

    damn, you could make alot of money growing and selling where you live. or i guess you could just smoke it.
  11. darkdestruction420

    What do you mix your WEED with?

    or we dont like mixing weed and tobacco. If you know what you are doing or have a simple guide their is no risk making cannabutter. you should of brought up how we even go so far as to purify large quanities into ultra potent hash if you wanted to help your argument.
  12. darkdestruction420

    What do you mix your WEED with?

    most americans, myself included mix nothing with their weed. the closest we get to mixing weed and tobacco is blunts. although i personally dont bother with them.
  13. darkdestruction420

    Daylight or Fullspectrum Daylight tubes for seedlings.

    hi, i'd use the non-aquarium bulbs. The way the cfl is positioned the vast majority of its light is being wasted as the majority of the light comes from the sides. A mixed spectrum is best (ie both bulbs in the 2500k-3500k{red spectrum} and 5000k-6500k{blue spectrum} spectrum ranges.) plants get...
  14. darkdestruction420

    Gathering Lights. (poor) lol

    nice link, best one ive seen since their 6 of those for $23 sale/auction expired. i wish i had bought more of them. i had planned on buying 2 more sets of 6 the day i found out the time expired and the listing ended.
  15. darkdestruction420

    Greetings from Wisconsin!

    lol, i cant believe i didnt notice that. i even was going to bring up how it was weird the starter of this thread registered 2 yrs ago but just came back and posted for a second time after 2 yrs w/o posting.
  16. darkdestruction420

    Greetings from Wisconsin!

    I may or may not be from wisconsin too. Welcome to the site. bkbbudz, do you live in chicago still or have you moved somewhere else? just wondering.
  17. darkdestruction420

    Cloning Wooly Mammoths

    to be fair no one is seriously considering trying to reintroduce the wooly mammoth if it were cloned. the first generations would of course be looked after extremely carefully by scientists and studied for what seems to be optimal conditions for them in captivity and if they could get that down...
  18. darkdestruction420

    Help Whats Happening To My Plant

    i meant pic 1 up above but accidently put pic 2. pic 1 is the one that looks to developing clusters of male flowers.
  19. darkdestruction420

    Ron Paul the Loser Pro-Marijuana guy

    very true. another thing though, say ron paul really did win the nomination and then won the election and became president he could do almost nothing towards it. just 1 person in Congress or the senate can kill any bill they want like the republicans did to obama the first 2 yrs of him being...
  20. darkdestruction420

    Help light problem

    yes, you most certainly are. alot more in fact. just resume the schedule you were using.