What do you mix your WEED with?


Active Member

Australia here... ive noticed a trend down here.. whenever people smoke up joints or the old fashioned bongs they always mix there weed with tobaccoo.. (im assuming because it lasts longer) 40% tobacco and 60% weed.

I have quit smoking tobacco and have moved to smoking straight BUD rolled up..
most americans, myself included mix nothing with their weed. the closest we get to mixing weed and tobacco is blunts. although i personally dont bother with them.
I use to mix weed + tobacco in rolling papers...but i just stopped and only use a bong now with straight weed :D
Used to mix weed with a bit of tobacco like most people do here, but I stopped doing that since my first grow lol.
Now it's either just weed, or weed and hash :-o
I smoked cigarettes first, then tobacco with weed rather than the other way around. I started smoking 40/60 spliffs 5 or 6 times a day rather that up to 15 cigarettes a day. But now the tobacco to weed ratio is more like 25/75 or a blunt or two. Occassionally I'll use a herbal blend, but some of them don't burn too well, defeating the point of any kind of mixer, or they are harsh.
I smoked cigarettes first, then tobacco with weed rather than the other way around. I started smoking 40/60 spliffs 5 or 6 times a day rather that up to 15 cigarettes a day. But now the tobacco to weed ratio is more like 25/75 or a blunt or two. Occassionally I'll use a herbal blend, but some of them don't burn too well, defeating the point of any kind of mixer, or they are harsh.

I find just straight weed in a joint is to heavy on the throat , i used to find a little dry tobacco helped it along nicely also.....
Now i just vap everything with no baccy ,
oh yeah , you already know :)
Hmmm, interesting. You can tell we Americans are way spoiled. We for the most part just smoke weed and don't mix anything with it. Shoot sometimes we even take the chance of ruining it and making canna butter out of it instead. We are always overconsumers.
Hmmm, interesting. You can tell we Americans are way spoiled. We for the most part just smoke weed and don't mix anything with it. Shoot sometimes we even take the chance of ruining it and making canna butter out of it instead. We are always overconsumers.

or we dont like mixing weed and tobacco. If you know what you are doing or have a simple guide their is no risk making cannabutter. you should of brought up how we even go so far as to purify large quanities into ultra potent hash if you wanted to help your argument.
Joints definetly burn better with a little tobacco. Its because the tabacco company has included some wonderful additives to aid this process. Unfortunately, many of said additives are carcinogens and will in likely hood kill you...... He says as he tokes from his 'English' style spliff. Gives you English style teeth too. :mrgreen:
Hmmm, interesting. You can tell we Americans are way spoiled. We for the most part just smoke weed and don't mix anything with it. Shoot sometimes we even take the chance of ruining it and making canna butter out of it instead. We are always overconsumers.

Shit guess I'm spoiled... But I would feel like I'd spoil the taste if I added tobacco, that's like someone put motor oil in my koolaid, man jus the green if I mix it's the green in other forms.... Know'm sayin'