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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    You had a cleaning party and didn't invite me Heph... I'm a little disappointed...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    An ounce is 28.4 grams (they round up that little bit)... or if the dealer likes you an ounce is 30grams or a little more...
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    You can get that from several avenues of study without being gay...
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    Right... You tell him that he should be strong and not listen to strangers on the internet... Good look on that move right there... I myself started off the path of Christianity a long time before I got here... And I myself don't appreciate the people that just flat out bash religion, I was...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    I haven't seen Heph being pushed around by anybody, I have however seen you attack his integrity with utter disregard to his post explaining his reasoning for his position...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    I only found out about The League a week ago... only started watching a day and a half ago... got 7 episodes left of season 3... I don't want it to end... :(
  7. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    You then shouldn't have claimed that they weren't from religious people, It is on you to check your sources...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    What is the difference between people on the internet or people that you meet on the street..? what makes the people that he interacts with here any less real or relevant than people he meets face to face? what makes the "strangers on the internet" sharing information and ideas, links to further...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    I was born with one particular syndrome that appears in 1 in just a little over a 1,000 births, that it affected the areas of my body that it did, puts me deeper still at about 1 in a million, that it was as fully developed as it was put's me in about 1 in 10 million... Which puts me in with...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    The thing is you see here you use Bondage in the same sentence as Alcoholism and Hardcore drugs as a way that some people deal with some sort of emotional conflict... It just appears that you are equating it with actual serious problems as a coping mechanism... (and it was the one thing in the...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    So the argument about continuing the species is moot at this point in human development then..? And what about my question before that you have ignored twice and was serious and I believe legitimate... What is your beef with Bondage..? Cause I want to know exactly how that ties in to your...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    Yeah... that's what he said... :D
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    And also again what is wrong with Bondage..?
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    He always gave me good relief...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth? I love the internet...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    If he's still sticking it in chicks... that isn't gay... it is bi-sexual... Which in my opinion is a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to attempting to understand why or how somebody is the way they are....
  17. Shannon Alexander

    Homosexuality a choice??

    The way I look at it is like this. Unless you get turned on sexually by guys and refuse to act out on those desires, you can't say that you have chosen to be straight.
  18. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth? Oh I can never stay mad at you cn...
  19. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    For the Lady Gaga reference intentional or not, I wish I could take back the rep I have given you... that is if I have repped you before... if not... well I don't think I'll be repping you anytime in the near future... Shame, Shame, Shame on you cn... Shame on you...