Bud... It may seem bad, but if given a choice I'll go with the bud over girls...
Marijuana will not talk shit about you behind your back to its friends... won't cheat, won't lie, won't steal your shit...
You didn't tell Heph anything outright, you only implied...
And saying that someone has influenced or not influenced someone is kinda pointless... Everybody you interact with can influence your decisions one way or an other...
Kaendar has inspired me to knock the dust off of my Bible...
Because as far as my understand goes in the bible Fornication is in reference to unlawful sexual acts... that being the law as stated in Leviticus... which does not mention pre marital sex...
I may be wrong... But I'm going to do a...
I've had conversations with Theologists that disagree with you... but hey... not all of them see it the same way... and I can only express my own views based on my understanding...
And Revelations is a horrid book to read... one of my least favourite parts of the bible after all that begatting...
As I'm certain you didn't take my previous advice of reading the writings of Solomon when it comes to animals and souls I doubt that providing you with a further biblical reference will do absolutely any good... But in the hope that you further educate yourself in the writings in the bible of...
But you can break multiple boards and bricks etc... without spacers without breaking yourself... you just need to have a little bit of skill and practice...
Breaking is based on physics and selection of materials- the most commonly seen breaking involves spaced, softwood boards. While very difficult to break even a piece of soft pine wood hitting against (perpendicular to) the grain, breaking is almost always done with (parallel to) the grain-...