I have yet to see scientific proof that there was a vessel large enough to hold 7 mating pairs of each of the Clean animals of the world and 1 mating pair of all the unclean animals...
But I accept the fact that I am... I don't hide behind my crazy, or pretend it isn't there, I acknowledge it and take this ride called life alongside with it...
Science can not disprove that the universe was created by a high power/being... and it also can't prove it...
I believe in God. Not the god of the Israelites, Not the Holy Trinity of the Christians or the Norse gods or Greek, or any other particular flawed representation of what is to my belief...
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were new to pot at all, just that new people to the forums tend to re ask the same questions, No offense was intended by my post at all RoguePlant, Please accept my sincerest apologies...
And in Australia they also make up shit explaining how a certain action should leave a certain type of mark on a certain part of a persons body, when
A.) They aren't medically qualified to provide such an assessment
B.) Haven't had any experience in self defense situations or martial arts...
And your point is what..? That because some people come over to your country and don't respect the customs and laws of your country than it is perfectly acceptable to go abroad and do the same..? That is some kindergartener type of mentality right there...