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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Iwant to make a Kung Fu Movie :)

    I was in all honesty thinking about this just a couple days ago...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    Judgement Day

    I found the most intensely spiritual time I've ever had at church was after I had a few lines then swallowed the other cap I had from the night before... Shit was intense...
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Here's the proof that it will kill

    It's just one of those irrational fears that people have... I watched a doco when I was much younger, more than half my life ago *sigh*... and this doctor dude in the white lab coat and all explained about the poison in apple seeds and demonstrated how many apple seeds the average person would...
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Oh snap... how did I miss that one... You have beaten me once again Old white wise one...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Why bash Islam?

    I wont go in the houses of my friends if they aren't home but their wives/girlfriends/partners are... I don't agree with women kissing men on the cheek when they are in a relationship, same goes for men kissing other women (Family Excluded of course... I'm not that crazy...) I don't even like...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Here's the proof that it will kill

    I chew them just like every other part of the apple, except the woody stem.. I use that to get the pieces of apple skin and the seed casings out of my teeth...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    Is Trolling a Choice?

    You can blame greenpeace and other scum sucking organizations like them for getting GM crops banned from several countries therefore forcing people to starve to death...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    Here's the proof that it will kill

    I always eat the whole apple... I really don't understand the paranoia some people have about the seeds...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    Kc Brains

    That sucks Homie... Better luck next grow...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    This is a very good question and one that I'm guessing a lot of the religious people in here and everywhere may get offended by... I have no definitive answer for you Padawan, I've never sat down and thought about it...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    Judgement Day

    I'm not going to rag on your massive assumption that if someone believes in a supreme god that they must also believe in heaven and hell... I sure don't... Yes to a God or Gods (I'm not that particular) but No heaven and no hell... It is stated in the bible that God is a Jealous, vengeful and...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Some people aren't quite right in the head, Some people need to have a reason to be, a reason to stick through the hard times when everything around them has turned to shit, Some people like to have a reason for things that they don't understand, Some people need to fit in to a group, Some...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Here's the proof that it will kill Here is an interesting article about this event and there is mention of some common food stuffs that can possibly do this...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    I had no clue as to who he was until this thread so I googled him Not only is it 50 shades darker than the man wielding it, it is obviously fake, look at a still shot of it and if you weren't already a skeptic you'd still be convinced it is fake... and people don't cum that much... horses do...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Why should I respect your beliefs?

    Sorry, I should have stated my position a little clearer as you seem stuck on the idea of God as pertaining to the Christian religion etc... and not just the Idea of a god...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Why should I respect your beliefs?

    A lack of evidence is not evidence for a lack of a god...
  17. Shannon Alexander


    Apparently I have to spread it around a little more before I can give you some cn... :(
  18. Shannon Alexander


    I pretty much had the same experience... I was like WTF..? I only just got in...